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How does Facebook/Mark Zuckerburg earn revenue? - Printable Version

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How does Facebook/Mark Zuckerburg earn revenue? - TJPB - 03-24-2014 10:09 AM

How and why does a website like Facebook earn money?

- abraXus - 03-24-2014 10:14 AM

the same way a radio or tv station makes money - by selling advertising

- Lee - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

There are a few ways that Facebook makes money. One way is by advertising. Another way is by selling users' comments and posts to companies to be used as advertisements. These are called "Sponsored Ads". The article I've referenced describes this in more detail.

There is also the "Promote and Share" feature where users can promote posts that others make to keep it on the top of the newsfeed. Of course, to do this, you will be charged a fee.

Also, Facebook now owns Instagram. Any photos posted can be sold by Facebook/Instagram to advertisers without compensating the original poster or without permission.