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Finding readers for my published NewAdult/YA romance novel.? - Printable Version

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Finding readers for my published NewAdult/YA romance novel.? - Sarah - 03-24-2014 10:10 AM

This is not related to writing groups. I recently published my first book. A New Adult romance, although book 1 & 2 are more YA books 3 - 8 the characters fit into the New Adult category. I have promoted as much as i can. Where i can on as many sites as i can. Without spamming.

i know who my target audience is, but finding where they hang out i am finding hard. I have contacted a few websites for teens and so far nothing. If anyone has any thoughts or advice. I would love to hear it.

Thank you in advance.
Thank you for suggesting I add author name and book. I did not like to incase people thought I was just advertising and nothing else.

Author and title - S.J.Hitchcock - Dream World: book 1.
Thank you everyone. I already have Facebook with a dedicated page, a twitter account and a blog. I also have an author website. I will make a note of anything i have not already set up. Just to say thank you for taking the time to answer. I update and post links often. I just don't want to be seen as spamming sites.

- Gangster Flowers - 03-24-2014 10:13 AM

Don't take this as me sounding snappy or anything but...wouldn't it help if you put the title or your author's name somewhere in the description?

- Cassie the Weird - 03-24-2014 10:16 AM

You could try promoting it on various social media: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.

- Arjun - 03-24-2014 10:18 AM

Amazon is supposed to be doing the promotion, I doubt any paid advertising would be cost effective, you cold have an author's site with liberal excerpts to help search engine matches, using your name or the book title for the domain name, which costs a big $12 a year, you could use a free host like Google's

Do what the rest of us do: Call independent bookstores and ask if they will do a book signing--or if they will carry your book for sale (presumably you got an ISBN when you published.) Get a twitter account and tweet about your book every few days. Make a facebook page for your books and a website. Spread the word by social media--offer free copies as a promotion. Send your books to a newspaper or magazine reviewer. If your books are good, they will get read--if they get read, they will get reviewed and if they get reviewed people will buy them. Sadly, this takes a LOT of effort. And the effort has to be constant

A presence on social sites like Facebook makes sense, you can setup a (fan) page for the book, and can log into Facebook under that page's name, so any group comments and posts link to your page.

Some self publisher resources:

- TheBellJar - 03-24-2014 10:19 AM

arjun Amazon does not do any promotion for self published books, not one thing, That's why it's called self publishing you have to do everything yourself, but most publishers don't do much for their authors either, unless they have hit the big lists already, and that's why they are losing a lot of authors to Amazon. (One of the reasons.)

You are right though that spending money on advertising rarely works for authors. Most of the people I know who have tried it spent more than they made and were pissed off.

OP you sound like you are doing pretty much all you can do, you just have to find ways of doing it more effectively. One way I know is to just spend time talking to people. I don't actually do enough of it, but just sitting on social networking sites without interacting doesn't do anything.