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how to get tumblr followers? - Printable Version

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how to get tumblr followers? - alexandra skye - 03-24-2014 10:10 AM

What is a quick way to get followers on tumblr? My url is

- Jason - 03-24-2014 10:11 AM

Try to be focused around the areas where you have plenty of knowledge to share. This way people will want to connect you on tumblr to get more quality information from you.

> Follow the blogs of other people on tumblr and chances are that they will follow back.
> Also like the posts of others so that they can notice you and ultimately they may follow you.
> Reblog other posts so that they can notice you.
> The quickest way is to join FaceBook groups where tumblrs discuss with each other.

- Doraa Weasleyy - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

-Follow a LOT of people. I mean a LOT.
-Go through their blogs and like/reblogs HEAPS of their posts so that when they go into notifications they'll see your URL a lot and notice you.
-Make sure your picture and blog look nice.
-Send people asks. Don't mention anything about "checking out my blog" or "following me", just start up a conversation or compliment them or something. If you mention anything about them following you, they'll think you're just sucking up.
-If people ever reblog those "send me a number" "ask me questions" "sleepover saturday" "tmi tuesday" posts, DO IT. The more you interact with them, the more people will follow you.
-If you make an original post, tag the heck out of it. Only relevant tags though, don't post a picture of your cat and tag it with Doctor Who (unless the cat is named doctor who, of course). Also tag any blogs that you think might like it
-don't unfollow people once they follow you.
-spread your posting evenly (set up a queue for while you're away)
-vote for people in stuff
-go through tags and follow people who have not many followers, they'll almost always follow back.
-hold contests or giveaways (if you can)
-and don't worry too much about followers Smile they come when you least expect it (I gained none for a few months and then suddenly gained a whole heap in a day)

- Shubham Jangid - 03-24-2014 10:27 AM

Use or

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

here's what you do:
-reblog/like a lot of people's posts (they might follow you after they see you in their notes)
-post a lot of original content and tag it with loads of (relevant) tags
-you can search up "follow for a follow" and follow people who'll follow back
-ask people for follow backs
-share your tumblr on other social media sites
-talk to people, whether its by replying, asking, or reblogging stuff and adding a comment

^these all help but they won't just magically help you gain like 1000+ followers overnight. gaining followers takes time

- Daisy - 03-24-2014 10:43 AM

There are some quick and effective ways to get followers. I suggest you to use those techniques and get some quality followers to your tumblr account. And once you are able to get some followers to your account, your account will automatically get more followers.