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How to get somebody banned from Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to get somebody banned from Facebook? - James - 03-24-2014 10:10 AM

I've created an open Facebook group for helping teens and adults with issues of bullying. We generally talk to those types of people and tell them how they can deal with those types of problems.

However, there has been this guy that has been added to the group by one of the members and has been a complete menace. So I changed the settings and made it where an invitation can only be approved by me. This guy has been causing a lot of trouble and starting a bad name for the group.

Here is how he has gotten several people banned, he messaged the group impersonating the leader which was me, and messaged everyone the link to the account of a person he dislikes. Everyone in the group (besides my brother) fell for it and reported the account and got that person banned. This guy then started harassing my brother which got me mad, he tried to get my brother banned but failed miserably.

I then reported him myself for impersonation and banned him from the group.

- Daniel - 03-24-2014 10:17 AM

Report there Profile Once you have Done So Facebook has To Look At it and Decide If They Decide They May Delete the Profile