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My long distance boyfriend help? - Printable Version

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My long distance boyfriend help? - Reagan - 03-24-2014 10:12 AM

Ok, so I'm at my long distance boyfriend on kik and we've been dating for about a week now and a few days ago maybe 3 days ago um my messages have been saying s beside them because they've only been sent but not delivered because his phones been off. because we just met the only contact information I have them on is kik. and I'm super super worried about him and why hasnt texted me in 3 days. am I overreacting and just assume that he will text me soon. I know three days is not a long time but it is a long time for us and its just odd that his phone hasn't been on in 3 days.... What do I do?

- Olivia - 03-24-2014 10:18 AM

Give him time. I know you may be worried but if he truly likes you he will answer, maybe his phone got lost or taken away or it died and he can't find a charger. Anything is possible.. However if he doesn't get back to you soon then you may need to worry. Look him up on other social media sites like twitter or Instagram and see what's going on with his life. I hope everything works out

- wibble wabble - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

A week isn't very long, I'm sorry but it's a possibility of lost interest. The only thing you cam do is hope for the best. It'll be extremely hard, but try not to worry. It can go either way at this point

- Timothy Stephens - 03-24-2014 10:21 AM

Stop all this.If you are old enough find a guy who lives local that you can see.Stay OFF online nonsense.

- Joelle - 03-24-2014 10:25 AM

Just wait a little while. He could have lost his phone or it could have been taken away. Maybe he broke it. You never know. And it's his loss if he never responds to u. Good luck!

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