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Question about being a Facebook Page Admin? - Printable Version

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Question about being a Facebook Page Admin? - Roy Stone - 10-15-2012 07:57 PM

Hi Yahoo! Answers,

I am a one of the Facebook Page Admins, and I've invited some people from my friends list to join this page, however, I am just wondering seeing that I get notifications from both my original Facebook profile and the Page, do the other admins get the same experience as me, meaning do they get notified that people from my profile page has liked this page from both accounts or is it just me?

Sorry if I have confused you.

- Aidan - 10-15-2012 08:05 PM


Hopefully I've understood your question correctly.

You mentioned that you had invited some people from your friends list to join the page - if you mean that you've asked them to "Like" the page, then they wouldn't get any notification if someone else liked the page.

If you mean that you've asked them to be an admin, then after they accept, the page will appear under the "Pages and Ads" section on the left side of their wall feed on their Home page (as it will on your own). When the page gets a new like, a notification number in a square box will appear to the right of the page name, but not as part of the notifications at the top of their wall.

Hope that answers your question
