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Mormon "prophet" under summons for trial for criminal fraud, could Thomas S. Monson be convicted? - Printable Version

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Mormon "prophet" under summons for trial for criminal fraud, could Thomas S. Monson be convicted? - Scott England - 03-24-2014 10:13 AM

Mormonism was invented explicitely as a fraud that has defrauded its followers of tens of billions of dollars.

let me know after analyzing these posted details and the intent of the trial, if this criminal trial in the UK stands a good chance of success.

it should be noted that the religious fraud he committed to gain 10s of billions of tithe dollars are based on dogma that is very easily scientifically disproven. In addition, inside sources reveal that certain very renown cohorts of his are coming clean by revealing damning testimony and audio recordings proving that the mormon prophet Thomas S. Monson made statements proving that he does not actually believe in the religion that taught is neccesary to reach the mormon's Celestial Kingdom. Also, there are millions of pages of literature and historical records to debunk mormonism.

Here is another message that I have been sharing on social media that might give you a better Idea of how mormonism works as a fraud:

Please help us end this two-faced antichristian fraud.

Mormon "Profit" Thomas S. Monson has been summoned by a UK district judge to appear for trial for fraud on March 14th.  If he fails to show, he will have a warrant out for his arrest.  This is causing a big stir among the exmormon community.  Basically the premise for the suit is about the cult being provably founded as a purposeful fraud, and lieing about doctrine in order to gain and retain tithe payers.

For just a few examples:  purposeful lieing that belief in 19th century prophets and apostles (most of whom had sexual relations with teen girls under their authority) is required to return to God, and also belief in fabricated mormon scriptures like the Book of Mormon being historically true is required to return to God.  Another one is lieing that I will forever be alienated from my family and God if I did not pay a 10% tax on my gross income and/or welfare to the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

While it is true that the church has contributed about 2 billion dollars over the past few decades as token charities for an advertising campaign, compare this to the 5 billion dollar luxory highrise condos in downtown Salt Lake City, which was built by the cult as secondary homes ultra wealthy mormons in power.  These luxory condos, each unit having a value of about a million dollars a piece, come epuipped with a high-end mall and banks for these elitists to  stroke their vanity, and engage in usury and stock market speculating across the street from the Salt Lake City Temple. Being that this was built at the height of the painful 2008 recession, alot of mormons have been shocked at the callousness of the LDS "church" and recognize that they have been defrauded of their invested tithe dollars.  This is just the tip of the iceberg of unethical abuse.

Personally, I would have wanted the thousands of dollars I paid in tithing, to be used on something else, perhaps my own charity. But I was lied to for my money, time, and several years of fulltime unpaid and life endangering labor as a proselytizing missionary sent away from my family, friends, and community for further brainwashing.  I was decieved into paying $10,000 to the cult for this abuse.   Not to mention having suffered severe religious trauma syndrome from it. There should be justice for that.  There are 80,000 other missionaries right now that are getting severely frauded.  You must do your research into the scam of mormonism, and let them know!

I would place the mormon church within the ranks of Scientology and the Watch Tower organizations. The evidence has led us to conclude that the elitist, excessively wealthy, and nepotistic upper heirarchy knows that it is a fraud, and purposefully uses false hopes and half truths to control its followers. Most other churches dont purposefully do that. They are for the most part innocent. And, most religions dont hire primarily business executives, marketers, and law experts, and then call them prophets, apostles, and other positions in the highest ranks of their priesthood.

Please help us to end this massive fraud.  It is anti-christian.

- truckercub1275 - 03-24-2014 10:22 AM

Hey look.... We are the real religion. Don't give your money to that fake religion, give it to us...

- Flora Post - 03-24-2014 10:27 AM

You do know that if a court succeeded in convicting Thomas S. Monson of fraud, it would open the way for your preacher of being convicted of fraud too? And it would be so much easier to take on even one born again Christian mega church than the LDS Church, so be careful what you ask for. You may just find out that your religious leader is next on the list.

- Phill McKraken - 03-24-2014 10:30 AM

It would be awesome to see the courts pimp slap the good old boys in SLC. However it is unlikely. The Mormon church has no respect for the law but does know how to manipulate it very well. They have numerous judges, politicians, and people of influence in their ranks. Even more importantly the churches for and non profit side has extremely deep pockets. They never say how deep but then again after watching their behavior regarding prop 8 they seldom spend their money. That is what wealthy parishioners are for. In the past they will prefer to settle out of court rather than deal with public scorn.

I don't know if I believe fully that old Tommy and his cronies fully see thru all of the lies they spread. It should be obvious to them at this point that the founding of the church and the book of mormon are all nonsense. The evidence is too overwhelming. I do believe they think regardless of these facts they somehow serve a greater good. Tommy would gain a marginal amount of my respect if he would do one thing. Admit no god talks directly to him and the entire religion is based on his own personnel ideas of what a bronze age deity would expect of their trained monkeys. My hat is off to you and all the others that walk away from this cult. I have heard it said religions like Mormonism do more for the atheist movement because of their extreme beliefs than more mainstream religions. The best thing I did for myself was walk away.

The Mormon church will eventually fall, it is to obnoxious and silly no to. It just isn't going to happen fast enough. It will also fall on its own sword. All we can do is point, laugh, and petition to keep them in check. In my life I have seen many go up against the churches corporate greed only to walk away silenced by a payout. I have watched "profit after profit" avoid legal prosecution. I am not saying they are above the law but they can afford to strategically act like it.

- TrishARoo - 03-24-2014 10:30 AM

If British criminal courts are anything like American criminal courts they will have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that TSM knew that what the missionaries were preaching was a lie in order to gain tithes. Good luck with that.

- WitnessofJesus - 03-24-2014 10:40 AM

anyone can split hairs. and everyone is a SINNER including you. if there is fraud, its most likely the liars that brought false accusations. as it always is.
remember, they called jesus a prince of devils. a sorcerer, and a child of fornication. they accused him of blasphemy, which is not a capital crime. the whipped him to the inch of his life, one guard hit him and said prophecy who it was. they accused him of sedition for saying that he was the king of the jews, and yet with all the accusations, Pilate said He found no fault with him, the apostles wrote that he was "blameless" yet wicked men conspired unto death to see jesus dead, and other men swore oathes on the blood of their children. so, you see, even the most sinless person was still falsely accused.
so have wicked men accused prophets sent by God in all of Israels history. and the most wicked often were there accusers.

no one gets a free pass in judgment. IF God and Christ will let a mans sins be covered and washed away. it will not be false prophets and false accuser, i think, above all.
i doubt Pres Monson would have remained in the first presidency all these 4 decades if there had ever been a true accuser.

- fabio - 03-24-2014 10:50 AM

You're such a bad troll... a boring trolling troll.
Did you really have nothing better to do than bash Mormonism today? Mormonism (or LDS) and Scientology are religions. Your use of the word "fraud" is beyond ridiculous. Also, the members are proud to make donations. No one is stealing money. Go trolling somewhere else... boring.

- Judy - 03-24-2014 10:51 AM

If people would stop following man and start following Jesus through a personal relationship with Jesus, no religion would be getting away with this.

Pick up your bibles and start reading them for yourself. Don't let a religion tell you how to know JESUS.

- James - 03-24-2014 10:54 AM

I agree with you in your assessments of the Mormon church. You do need to be fair though. The same can be said of all but one of the religious organizations. You don't have to start looking for them any farther than the CATHOLIC CHURCH, then just keep examining the others and you will find its everywhere!!!!!!

- mormon_4_jesus - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

What about the Church of England? Don't you give to that church whether you want to or not, thru taxes? That's what I heard.