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Not announcing travel plans on social media? - Printable Version

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Not announcing travel plans on social media? - melissa - 03-24-2014 10:15 AM

This is kind of a silly question, just curious what others do. We're going on a 7 days cruise and will not be connecting to the internet or really using our cell phones (I may call the inlaws at one of the ports to check on our 4 year old, but that's about it). Now, obviously everyone tells you not to announce a vacation on facebook because of the potential for people to break in to your house. But what about all your friends that are used to seeing you post all the time? It'll be my birthday next week too, so I'm sure at least a few people will be posting on my wall. Do you all even worry about this? lol, I don't even know what question to ask!

- Mrsjvb - 03-24-2014 10:22 AM

be smart about it. yes PERSEC is a big concern. it's not your friends you need to worry about its the random strangers who have access to your feed via your friends or other means. announce to the world you are going away is like putting a big blazing neon light over your house saying :Please Burgle me:

now when we go away we always state very clearly we have a cat sitter( we do) who will be stopping by every day so that helps but if that doesn't apply, then restrict the post to friends only.. or just send them a PM and ask them to not advertise your absence.

- Kittysue - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

I don't worry about it as my profile is private and I don't accept friend requests from anyone I don't personally know and trust. I went through and deleted a bunch of people I haven't talked to in years like people I went to grade school with but have not spoken to them since jr high.

- timetravler - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

I never post the date that I am going to be out of town. But I do say on social media that I am going on a cruise, or RVing. But again no date
Also I mention that someone is house sitting for us which may or may not be true. I do not want to come home to a home burglary and think it's dumb to mention when your going to be gone.

- OC1999 - 03-24-2014 10:44 AM

Well there is a difference between posting on social media and telling your friends you are going on a cruise.

If your Facebook "friends" are really friends you would tell them personally you are going on vacation for a week and they would know to expect you not to post. If they were smart and good friends, they wouldn't post things like "hope you have fun on your vacation" on your Facebook page. If your "friends" are only ones you talk to on Facebook they can wait a week when you can say "Thanks for the messages but we were on a cruise and didn't check Facebook".

- Den B7 - 03-24-2014 10:45 AM

We have friends and neighbors who are nice enough to keep an eye or our home when we are away. And likewise, they can rely on us to do the same when they are away.

My email away message and answering machine message never states that we are away from home, only that I won't be available to respond to emails and/or calls.

The fact that you won't be posting as often doesn't mean that you are away from home. Your friends (real friends) probably know what you are up to, just don't announce it publically on Facebook.

- Mrs. Nolan - 03-24-2014 10:47 AM

I don't even think twice about it, If all else fails, ask your in laws to check in on the house ( if yall are near) and for heaven sake Stay off the phone, for a week! ( i am NOT referring to calling to check on your daughter) Facebook could wait a week! email can wait a week! Enjoy this non media time away with your wife.