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What things should I block in Facebook before Adding my Girlfriend ? Please help? - Printable Version

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What things should I block in Facebook before Adding my Girlfriend ? Please help? - Curly - 03-24-2014 10:15 AM

I don't have this part in my profile:

Other girls, nude girls or dumb stuff.

So what else do I need to be concerened or Turn Off?

But I'm concerend if my Comments to other people (non Friends) may be found or how bout my Posts.

Need help.

I only have 10 Friends and she knows it, but does not know the trail (past comments) of one them, when speaking to that Friend

- Sarah - 03-24-2014 10:21 AM

You shouldn't be so worried if you have nothing to hide?

- Jollygrass465 - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

It's just a girlfriend, not a fiancee or wife. Don't hide anything. Most of us ladies know you guys like your eye candy and it might seem suspicious if you didn't have anything on your page like that.

Be honest and upfront with her if she asks you about past relationships or interests. There's nothing worse than a couple having to keep secrets from each other from the start. If you have to hide part of yourself, you're with the wrong person.