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17 never had a bf now need advice ...... 10 points + answer urs? - Printable Version

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17 never had a bf now need advice ...... 10 points + answer urs? - Jodie - 03-24-2014 10:15 AM

hey so i have now been going to college now for 6 weeks and i have noticed a boy when i get on my bus i really like him but the thing is the bus is always so busy every morning to the point where people stand up i don't think he has ever seen him but since me seeing him i see him all over college like in the library and well yesterday i saw him on his own outside i wanted to go over but i am really shy and wouldn't know what to say lets just say this i am 17 and never had a boyfriend and never really talk to guys but the thing is i told my friends that i like him and they always point him out making me go red which i hate i don't even think he's ever seen me what do i do Help please?

this is what i look like

Confused and well my friends don't really class him as "fit" or "hot" i don't normally like guys that are all that popular with girls


Another thing when ever i see him i get adrenaline i dont know why what is it why do i get it

- Cheryl - 03-24-2014 10:17 AM

What a pretty little thing you are, don't worry about not having a bf till 17 i didn't, i don't like fit looking guys i like the bmx scruffy look. anyway, find an excuse to talk to him like lessons maybe, could u sit of stand near him maybe on the bus, find something going on at collage maybe an event and ask him if he knows anything about it ask him on the bus though then you get a little chat going. i fell in love with a guy i met on a bus,when i was 22/23? we didn't date but we talked flirted text met up held hands told each other i love you, we didn't date cos we weren't single, and i had a bf and got preg by my bf, then when i was 35 weeks he phoned me and asked me to leave my babys daddy and be with him, to this day i wish i had, my sons dad wasnt that nice when i was preg, so make a move and say hi, x

- Dziuniama - 03-24-2014 10:24 AM

yes you fancy him a lot but remember he's only a human being, he's not much different from any other people
it's nothing to by shy or embarrassed about, many girls didn't have bf and they are even older than you are!

"you can just go over to him and say hi my name is... what's yours? so what do you study here? oh so you're interested in... blah blah blah "

don't tell him you get on the same bus you don't want to be creepy
if you see his not interested in the conversation don't bother if he is you can continue

"oh i enjoy talking to you but i gotta go how about we finish this conversation over a cup of coffee let's say tomorrow?"

remember he's just a human being he's not much different than any of your friends, people on the bus, teachers

- facebook - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

Jodie I think you should go up to him when you see him and take out a notebook/piece of paper and already have written that you are very shy or you lost your voice get his attention like tapping him on the shoulder or something and start a conversation on paper with him talking and you writing. If you tell him you lost your voice you probably will be able to talk to him after having a couple of conversations with him like this and if you tell him you lied later on he will understand. Jodie you are beautiful Senpai and I wish you good luck with this guy.