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Does social media hurts grammar? - Printable Version

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Does social media hurts grammar? - Mariah Styles - 03-24-2014 10:15 AM

I need reasons of how it hurt grammar !

- Miguru - 03-24-2014 10:21 AM

yes unfortunately it does.... yolo

- Model Pilot - 03-24-2014 10:24 AM

Here are some "reasons" or examples of damage to grammar from social media:
"Does social media hurts grammar?"....subject/verb agreement, media is plural, so try "Do social media hurt grammar?"
The common practice of dropping vowels in texting that was originally to cut costs/billing has continued and blossomed...4 shur. So much for spelling and word choice, tone, voice...the same goes for all the contractions and acronyms...stfu, yolo, lol. Are you sure these are what are meant when they are used? My sincere apologies for stfu as an example...I have absolutely no right to use such language toward your question.
The assumed anonymity of keyboarding has led many to coarsen their published thoughts and not think them through very well. People don't get the right tone and perceive many messages wrong because communication on social media is to much like talking, but without the mediation of seeing the talker, their gestures, expression, hearing the tone etc. that we know is so much of the message. Careful word choice is needed, but seldom provided in those circumstances, and much drama and strife has resulted.

- AlmTra - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

I wouldn't say Social Media itself hurts the grammar of people. I would say many people on the social media websites have bad grammar. I think the reasoning behind it is because they don't care how a word is spelled, or if a sentence makes grammatical sense because it's the internet. When many people correct other people on the internet the usual response is "This is the internet, not school". As many people on Social Media websites use "ur, 2, 4" they get used to it, and when it comes to school they aren't sure if it's: Your, You're, Two, Too, To, Four, For, etc which is kinda sad. So I would say they used bad grammar on those websites just because they don't care, and because they get used to using the abbreviations (TTYL, YOLO, BTW, TBH), the numbers, and shortened words they forget the actual proper spelling of words. Along with making their sentences make sense.