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can the police find out who made certain pages on facebook long after the pages were deleted? - Printable Version

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can the police find out who made certain pages on facebook long after the pages were deleted? - Lara (: - 10-15-2012 07:57 PM

my friend mate a hate page about a teacher and wrote insults like "she never brushes her teeth"

the teacher found out and the police is involved they came today and interviewed all the members of it (theyd printed the pages out)

teh only proof of anything is that she printed the pages out.

the page got deleted by my friend a long time ago, can the police still go back and search for who did it, and find out?

- kindmoney375 - 10-15-2012 08:06 PM

Yes, it wouldn't be very hard.

- preteranimus - 10-15-2012 08:06 PM

Facebook automatically archives everything users do for legal purposes if ever a warrant is served for criminal activity, though it is unlikely a warrant or archival search will happen in this particular case.

Remember: a "hate page", such as the one you descibed is arguably legal under the first amendment (free speach), but the teacher may press charges of libel.

- 2nddimension - 10-15-2012 08:06 PM

Yes, they can contact Facebook and retrieve any deleted page. Also, if they REALLY wanted to, they could contact your friends internet service provider to obtain her history or look at her computers browsing history, even if she deleted it...

- Muriel - 10-15-2012 08:06 PM

Oh yeah