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My Girlfriend follows, likes, and comments on different hot famous instagram, and vine guys.? - Printable Version

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My Girlfriend follows, likes, and comments on different hot famous instagram, and vine guys.? - connorgrnt - 03-24-2014 10:17 AM

So my GF and I have been going out for just over 4 months now.We are both 16. She says she loves me and how she thinks im so hot but honestly I think its all bs. Over our relationship I see on Vine she revines a bunch of "hot "shirtless guys doing whatever showcasing their looks and body. I got over this Like I understand im being insecure but why does she do all this, it honestly pisses me off. Then finally one of the guys she revines, and likes on Vine, i saw she followed on Instagram (he is kinda famous 100k followers) , and comments on his shirtless photo " i cant like whut (with a tounge emoji) and tags her friend". Before, I knew she was definitely looking but i didn't think she would do that. Honestly idk im kinda upset, all her compliments to me seem like bullshit at this point. Its one thing to follow and like his photos but dont comment how hot he is with tounge emoji's. What do I do cause I never do any of this stuff to other girls pictures. Most of the people she revines, and comments on are probably known for being hot and stuff, and kinda famous in that regard but still.

- KHCP. - 03-24-2014 10:27 AM

You're too insecure. If he's so hot, 99% of his followers are girls I'm sure. What makes you think he's gonna pick out your girlfriend out of all those other girls? There's always going to be someone more or less attractive than you and you'll just have to live with it. It's not like she knows him in real life anyway.

- Karen - 03-24-2014 10:31 AM

Lol you need to be more confident and trust your girl! It's okay to look but not touch lol. My boyfriend and I don't care about that stuff because we both know we could never pull a celebrity it's okay. If you're jealous over videos and pictures I can't imagine with other guys. If it bothers you that much though talk to her about it and I'm sure she will stop. She also does love you and she thinks you're hot. I think my boyfriend is super fine and sexy and I love him but that doesn't mean I don't check out other guys lol. I post MCM and I make him like them lol. It's okay. Stop and look in the mirror and love yourself cause if she wanted some other guy she wouldn't be with you

- Scorpafloor - 03-24-2014 10:35 AM

just do the same thing back and if she starts whining tell her youll stop when she stops, if it doesnt affect her that your doing the things she does to you move on. But my honest opinion would be to avoid these mind games and tell her it bothers you and if she still does it leave. If she wants to like and follow shirtless guys in instagram she can have fun having sex with her computer because you shouldnt take that its disrespectful. When i got my gf i stopped watching porn, liking other girls photos, checking out other girls because we both have each other and thats all we need.

- alexyvettea - 03-24-2014 10:35 AM

I think this is something that you need to talk to her about, but every relationship goes through rough patches like this. My boyfriend gets jealous when for example, I talked about the secondary character in a movie being more attractive then the main character. I think it's kind of harmless and my sister even talks about actors being hot but she always says she can't mention it infront of her husband because he gets jealous. I honestly think everybody does it but it's either done infront of you like your girlfriend is doing or behind your back and I don't think she is thinking much into it like you are but if you don't bring it up you, yall can't work on making yalls relationship stronger. You got to communicate these things with her so she can work on accommodating you and vice versa. There's always going to be something wrong with anygirl you go with, you just got to work together to fix whatever problems yall are having

- Andrewab - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

Work out and get ripped

If she becomes more clingy and compliments you more, break up with her. She's superficial.