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Asking a girl on a date that I don't know too well? - Printable Version

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Asking a girl on a date that I don't know too well? - kyle - 03-24-2014 10:18 AM

There is a girl I had a literature class with last semester and we worked on a group project together. I thought she was really cute and nice, but this semester I don't see much of her, though we do always exchange hellos and a smile when we cross paths on campus. I'm attracted to her and would would like to ask her out to dinner or something, but I'm afraid it would be weird since we only know each other through that class and the small talk we made while working on that project. How should I go about this? I don't have her number or anything but I do have her added on facebook. How would you feel if you were on the receiving end?

- Amateurhydrant579 - 03-24-2014 10:19 AM

I just got asked to go to a dance by a girl (I'm still in high school) who I didn't know that well. I sat with my friends in the library and she would sit with us occasionally. I was really surprised by her asking me and was extremely flattered considering I'm not always great with girls. I did say no to her (because I have a crush on her friend who sits at the table I mentioned) but that doesn't mean the girl you like won't say yes! Go for it dude! Would you rather live a life of "I'm glad I tried" or "What if?" I'm sure she's great, she'd be flattered, and would like to get to know you better. I've got faith in you.

- elizabeth - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

Instead of asking her on a date, organize a regular time to catch up with her on campus. That way you'll get to know each other better and later asking her on a date wont seem so weird.

- Michael - 03-24-2014 10:22 AM

Truthfully, your best opportunity was missed at the end of the semester, when you were working on the project. What ever you do don't ask her on a date at this point. Start by inviting her to different events, preferably something she Would be interested in. Or even check in with her and message her on facebook. Then if there's something going on at school ask if she's going. Start slow, so you don't freak her out. Find a excuse to get the phone number. You gotta get the phone number. Usually works best to get it for friendly reasons first. Even if it's just so you don't lose touch. Example: Strike up convo, say hey what's your number? I'm going to be doing such and such,and... Best advice: Don't get your hopes up to high. be happy with what ever kind of friendship or more you can get at first. But when your with her, make sure you treat her like a princess. Treating her like a princess does not mean being whipped, or her personal robot. That is friend material, not boyfriend mat