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social media problems? - Printable Version

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social media problems? - Tyler Burns - 03-24-2014 10:18 AM

ok so I am having some social media problems. my mom made me deactivate my twitter account and only makes me post 2 things a day to Facebook. it's just not fair how my mom is doing this to me. I want to post as much as I want to post on Facebook and I want to be able to do whatever I want on twitter but I can't. it's really pissing me off and I just can't stand it. my mom is annoying the crap out of me. this is just not fair and I just don't know what to do, it's like she's trying to take all the fun away from. see my sisters don't have to deal with all of these social media restrictions like I do and I just don't appreciate it. ever since my mom made me deactivate my twitter account I've been bugging to get it back but she won't let me get it back until I've learned my lesson yet I have learned my lesson and she told me today that I can't get it back until we come back from vacation. what do I do, should I just do what I want, then again she would find out about all this. I just don't get this. what is wrong with posting lots of stuff on Facebook and re tweeting like a lot, it's just something I like to do and it just gives me something to do. so how exactly do I overcome this, fix this and have my mom and older sister stop nagging me about all this. I just want to follow the rules so they will shut up and leave me alone. any ideas??

- Aj - 03-24-2014 10:23 AM

Looking at your profile pic it seems to me that it's time to move out, get your own place and you'll be able to do whatever you want. If not, you'll simply have to live by her rules, try and convince her to give you some more freedom until you're ready to leave the nest.

- :)! - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

How about not relying so much on social media? And It's not like you're grounded and no access to fb what so ever. Writing more than two fb status a day is annoying. How does she know how many stuff you post on fb or twitter? If she follows you on fb and that's how she knows then just set your status to be unable to be seen by specifically her.

What's wrong with posting lots of stuff on fb and retweeting a lot? It means you have no life outside of the Internet/computer. Maybe your mom can see how obsessive you becoming with SM and wants to make you cut down on it.