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Amazon Kindle purchases to Epub? - Printable Version

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Amazon Kindle purchases to Epub? - TenaciousCrow - 03-24-2014 10:19 AM

I really like all the free Kindle books that are available on Amazon- but I have a Kobo reader!

How can I go about changing the files to epubs so I can load them onto my kobo?

If this is difficult- can anyone suggest where I can get good (not pirated) free BUSINESS ebooks that are already epubs? (Particularly on social media)

Thanks Smile

- Cadlyman - 03-24-2014 10:21 AM

Download Calibre e-Book Reader for your PC. It has built-in conversion functions for many file types. Convert the file, and verify the output in Calibre Reader and if it is OK transfer to your Kobo.

- cathugger - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

Nope - not legally.

Almost every commercial ebook (Kindle, Nook, Sony, iBook, Kobo) is DRM-protected, encrypted such that that are only readable on a device or reader software from the same ebook company and registered to the same account that bought (or was gifted) the ebook.

So conversion software like Calibre cannot read the ebooks & cannot convert them. This keeps people from printing, stealing or duplicating the ebooks.

Exception - a very few ebooks at Amazon say something like this on the sales page "At the request of the publisher this ebook is being sold without DRM protection". Those few ebooks could be converted to another format with Calibre.