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Are Western PC loving Socialists the most intelligent and hard working people in existance? - Printable Version

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Are Western PC loving Socialists the most intelligent and hard working people in existance? - corny - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

As they control the media, the EU, the government (even when it is Tory) the Education system, Political correctness, etc etc etc.
Personally I don't think so, I think the Right Wing has a lot more influence then they ever wish to admit, but do wonder if some people think so?
Lol Lacy, wouldn't mind, can't do any worse then the present lot!
Yes, I is a very clever person me!
Of course I am admitting I am a Socialist!!! And I will also admit I don't always vote for Labour, they just happen to be the closest mainstream party to my personal beliefs at the moment!!! As for Cameron being a Socialist, after cutting taxes for the rich while hammering the poor and disabled, don't think so chuck! And Merkel is no Socialist either, and she controls the EU!
@Wessex. Silent??! What Fox News, the Mail, The Murdoch Empire etc etc The only "silent ones" are the shifty business leaders who buy their way to government influence.

@Jack where do you want to fit in?? Now I am President of Everything I have some jobs going in my new cabinet?!
Wessex, most consider Murdoch to be Centre Right, I try to avoid Fox News, but the Sun and Times appear centre Right. And I stand by my point that the business lobby, who are by nature mostly Right Wing, are the ones who really control this country and thus push quietly, but with money!

- Essex Lewis - 03-24-2014 10:22 AM

Are you admitting you're a Socialist, Comrade Corny?
Thought that Labour Supporters were meant to conceal that fact these days.

There's no difference between Tory and Labour
Modern Tories are paid up Pinko's there to promote the E.U.
David Cameron is a proponent for it's Expansion.

- Wessex - 03-24-2014 10:28 AM

Hi Corny......

I think the point is the left wing have an agenda.....that agenda involves social policies, ideals that affect others, high taxes and have more focus on the commune rather than the individual........and when they are positions of influence they push this agenda.......

The right wing, and I'm talking centre right, are generally people who value individual freedom and choice, support themselves and dislike intrusive social policies, whether that's from government or their agenda is to not to interfere........And that's not an agenda that needs pushing anywhere near as much....

In summary the left push their views on have a disproportionate impact.........whereas the right just want to be left alone......and why they are often termed the silent majority......!

@ Corny.......I will refer you to where I specifically said I was referring to "centre right" and that I said this agenda doesn't need "pushing anywhere near as much".....not that it isn't ever pushed.....

So do you consider Fox News and Murdoch "centre right"?????

Or are you just try to deflect from a very valid point I was trying to make.......?

Hopefully you just didn't read my response as closely as you should have, rather than being this disingenuous!

- Neil - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

If you were to believe the High-Drama Traditionalists they're all powerful, even now that most Governments are Conservative/Right-wing in the World, the Socialists are still dominating somehow, and making 'all the rules'.

I think Twitter-culture(140 characters or less per statement) created a hyperbole-happy society that is WAY too dramatic, and theatrical, the really sad part, some people actually buy into the soap-opera dramatics.

- Jack H - 03-24-2014 10:43 AM

Absolutely, although I may be a little biased to be honest, but, where do the marxists fit in...

Minister for dealing with the Neo Con problem, I have a permanent solution...
"It will hurt, but it will work"...

- Confused Hal - 03-24-2014 10:53 AM

Ah the well known socialist press ran by those liberal scoundrels and Marxists such as Murdoch (Sun, Times, Sky) Rothmere (Mail) Desmond (express), Barclay brothers (Telegraph).

- december1999 - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

Vote Labour next election and this mess will be solved.

- Shawn Robin - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

Socialism is where the public owns and controls all means of production, distribution and exchange.
Meaning everything from farms & factories to banks & businesses.
There's no private ownership, only public ownership.
There's no need for governments & politicians, the public makes all decisions.

No country in the world is actually socialist. Not even the former Soviet Union gave up its government or trusted its population to make all the decisions.

So what are we to make of all this 'socialist' and 'socialism' nonsense? Simply this:
"Socialism" and "socialist" are the monster in the closet and bogeyman under the bed used to scare dictionary-deprived dolts into corporate compliance.
And nothing more since nobody is actually socialist and nowhere has actual socialism.
By and large, it's those same dictionary-deprived people confusing/conflating social programs with socialism.

- Yorrik - 03-24-2014 11:09 AM

Let's take the issue of 'PC - Political Correctness'. Hardly anyone I've spoken to has any idea where it comes from.

Well, I've been doing some snooping around.

Political Correctness started life in the city of Paris in the 1920s and is the creation of the Paris Community Party. The sole purpose of PC (Political Correctness) is to stifle normal democratic debate.

In other words PC rules out the truth by not allowing anyone to say what they feel on any given issue for fear they might offend someone.

PC or Political Correctness, is based upon Marxist philosophy and stated to become popular in the Communist Party of Paris from about the 1920s onwards. The seed for PC was sewn during the Paris Commune of c1870 - when Karl Marx was in Paris.

What exactly is the purpose of PC?

It's purpose is to stifle normal democratic debate on any and all subjects. This then leads to an end of real democracy at which point Communism can be instilled in the minds of the people, starting with the Children in the newly created Communist State Schools.

George Orwell, a lifelong Socialist and aurthor of the book, 1984, knew where socialism and commuism will lead.

We all know don't we just how much governments want to control the Internet. They start by saying it's for our own good, to protect us from terrorism or worse.

NO. They want total control of everything including what we eat, sea a breath.

LONDON UK 150214.1817GMT

- SMEG - 03-24-2014 11:18 AM

Yes please