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why can't i have a Facebook? - Printable Version

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why can't i have a Facebook? - Vannessa - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

i am 13 and i am an A+ student. at school all of my friends have a Facebook... i ask my mom and she said to ask my dad... but when i did he said no i asked him why and he said wait till high school. any ideas on how i can get one sooner?? and why won't he leet me have one!?!?
o and i just started this account *-*

- Jack Blitch - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

facebook is dumb get An instagram

- Savannah Feekes - 03-24-2014 10:32 AM

Facebook is really, really dumb. You aren't missing out on ANYTHING. In the future you will not want one, and when you are looking for a job when you're older your employer will look at it. The government will know anything and everything you do. NOT WORTH IT. I lost my job over a status about how rude my manager was to me, and she wasn't even my friend. My profile was on private.
Don't be upset, be glad.

- Amy - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

Facebook isnt worth it its all drama and instagram is better anyways

- Michael - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

Well, Vanessa, I'm guessing that your parents don't think you are mature enough to be on Facebook. I mean, right now, I can hear the whine in your typing.

Being an A+ student has nothing to do with it. I know some very intelligent people (adults), but they are book smart and have no common sense. 13 year olds are notorious for having no common sense no matter what their grades are.

I'm going to reference an article that talks of kids on Facebook (or any social media). Read it with your parents. There are some guidelines that kids and parents should follow. Some may apply to you, some may not. You and your parents can decide what they would feel comfortable with in order to allow you on Facebook.

They may feel comfortable knowing they have some control over what you do. Just remember that your parents worry about you and that on line, even Facebook, can be a dangerous place without proper precautions taken. Good luck.