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I have an unhealthy obsession with anime. What can I do about it? - Printable Version

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I have an unhealthy obsession with anime. What can I do about it? - Bookworm - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

I've been completely obsessed with anime for the past 7 years or so. By now, I've watched all the older anime I wanted to see, so I mostly follow the currently airing shows. With my remaining time, I spend hours every day browsing anime images and refreshing anime news/forum/blog sites, over and over and over again, hoping for new information and discussions to come up. I think I have some sort of weird reaction to the colorful images in anime, because just being able to see those images makes me feel better. I really hate this because it's such an unproductive use of my time and I don't get anything done. It's gotten to a point where I basically don't have any other hobbies (and can't get into any other hobbies).

The worst part is that I'm a senior in college who should be preparing to enter the workforce in a few months. Instead I'm slacking off and clicking away at anime pics every day.

Also, I got to mention that I don't have any friends in college. Had friends back in high school, but I basically spent my college years (other than studying) on marathoning anime for hours at a time. Looking back, I completely weirded out my roommates every year, too (I live alone now). Joined anime club back in freshman year but soon quit because I didn't feel like going anymore. I feel incredibly lonely and pathetic about all this.

Do you have any advice for this? Should I go talk to a university counselor or something? To be honest, I tried to get counseling once, but the counselor they assigned me happened to be a Japanese guy. I didn't go because I was afraid that I might come off as too creepy with my obsession with something from their country.

Any help would be appreciated!

- Chelsea - 03-24-2014 10:22 AM


- Salvador - 03-24-2014 10:23 AM

Hi, I just created an anime & gaming club. We're really new so we're looking for members and don't have a definite place like a building other than my apartment so for now its just going to be really small unless we attract more members into the group. It's just a friend and I currently and I'm not very talkative so we could really use an outgoing talkative person to help us out haha! I've made the website, facebook page and facebook app so far. When we gain more members we'll most likely meet-up at my place. We both attend Phoenix College so we're trying to get a club going there as our main headquarters so to say.

Anyway check out the website at:

Everything is still in development and ideas are flowing haha but without members we can only go so far or it would just be for the two of us you know? Hope you become interested and we end up as Otaku friends xD and make your obsession useful >.<