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What should i do about this guy? - Printable Version

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What should i do about this guy? - Sophie - 03-24-2014 10:21 AM

Theres this guy lets call him Jack. He started talking to me around this time last year and a couple of months later, he told me he loved me. I see him only as a friend. I am not attracted to his looks or his personality. We dont have many lessons in school together, dont have eachothers phone numbers and dont spend time together, because we are from very different social groups. We talk only on social media.
In real life he acts all awkward and doesnt talk to me much, unless i talk to him first. This annoys me because i feel useless. Why should i start the conversation all the time. And he gets jealous really easily and ignores me from time to time. I talk and he just ignores me. So i ignore him. And then online he says 'we are not talking again, are you angry at me? etc, im so sorry'. I find this really annoying because why ignore me in first place.
A couple of days ago i told him that i was going to delete the facebook account that i made just for us to talk, because i dont talk to anyone else privately so why should i have to talk to him like that. I told him if he wanted to talk to me, he should talk to me by face and not on here. All the other guys talk to me normally, so why does he have to be so private and closed off. Its not in his personality. I told him i was still his friend at the end of the day. He then replied asking 'if he had a say in this 'friendship' and why i was reacting like this. He said he hadnt commited a crime. Why does he just not understand that i do not want to talk that way?
And lately he's been acting cool and as if he couldnt care less about his grades and thats not him. He is a really studious guy and really cares about his grades, his parents are strict aswell. People call him a nerd. So i dont see why he is acting like this? Do you think its because i hang out with the guys who are mischievous and naughty?
What should i do?

- Ridhima - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

See wat u hav mentioned, this guy seems 2 b very image conscious. He DOESNT really want ppl to know about ur friendship / relationship but still wants to have it. I have faced a very similar situation and the output was that I felt miserable at the end. Anyways wat u can do at this moment is that talk 2 that guy on fb and tell him that u DO NOT like this friendship to b some secret but wat i feel is that he will not give u any clear cut answer but still u can try and if he continues wid behavior so its better u move on.

- YetiKitty - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

He sounds a little obsessive. I would be careful not to encourage him. Be nice, don't hurt his feelings, but don't let him get the idea that he has any special claim on you. If he seems to feel that way now let him down gradually and as gently as possible but cool it.