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How do I change my sleep schedule? - Printable Version

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How do I change my sleep schedule? - Katie - 03-24-2014 10:23 AM

My sleep schedule is so messed up.. Right now I'm going to bed at 1:30ish and waking up around 10:30am. Then I drink my 1.5 liter of water, check my social media, get dressed and go downstairs to eat breakfast. By the time that's all done it's NOON. How do I stop this madness?? Sad

My class starts on Friday, which means I will have to have my water drank, check my social media, get dressed, eat and be out the door by 7:30 at the latest. How do I go from waking up at 10:30 to waking up at 6am???? Please help! How do I change my ways D:
Any advice is greatly appreciated

- LP7 - 03-24-2014 10:25 AM

Slowly.Bedtime at 11pm to 7pm wakeup.Set Alarm.Then back to 10.00pm, alarm 6.30a.m.Back again to 9.30pm during the week with 6.30a.m.Try this.Main idea is to do this gradually until you find a comfortable middle road for time and set your body/rhythm - clock.Keep it consistent and a pattern will start.

- Jenny - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

You think that's messed up?! I'm sorry that the following will not answer your question, but I would like to tell you what MY sleep schedule is like.

For one thing, no matter how good I do at getting up during the week, on weekends I NEVER wake up before noon unless I have to. I tend to sleep in until about 2 if no one wakes me up. Even when I wake up, I never can get up right away, I just go right back to sleep.

I stay up late. It's after midnight right now, and I have math homework that I'm planning on doing tonight before my class tomorrow (an afternoon class, thankfully.) My procrastination issues are a different story. Anyway, I'm lucky if I go to bed by midnight, except when I lose so much sleep during the week that by friday night I'm completely exhausted and sleep for like fifteen hours. Most of the time I'm up till at least 3AM.

Last semester, I had a really bad habit of staying up later and later each night of the week, until I seriously could NOT fall asleep before sunrise, even if I tried. There were a few occasions that I didn't even fall asleep before going to a 9AM class. Yes, I pull all nighters on ACCIDENT.

I have to really try if I want my sleep schedule to say in line. Yours actually sounds ideal to me. I don't think you have to worry. Just don't mess it up like I do.

Oh and also, I have evening classes every other day. So Tuesdays and Thursdays I sleep in till noon or one or whenever I drag myself out of bed, and the rest of the week I wake up at either eight or ten (which for me is very early) after staying up till 3-4am... I survive, so I'm sure you will too.