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Regrets reporting cyber crime? - Printable Version

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Regrets reporting cyber crime? - Kristina - 03-24-2014 10:24 AM

On the website Deviantart, I started getting some threatening messages from someone, saying they'll find where I live and that I would die, because he doesn't like the subject that I draw. Usually I'm clam about the situation, and I blocked him and reported it. However, it continued even after I blocked the user since he had an extra account, and everyone knows that that's one way to get around DeviantArt's abuse policy. The user then said that he was going to make videos about how stupid I am or whatever.

In the end I had been shaken up: I think because I've been stressed from work, and school, and tuition, and a death in the family, so because I wasn't really thinking logically, I went and reported it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, which to be honest really jumped the gun seeing as I didn't have that much information. Well, after doing some research, I found that the guy was pretty much a troll, and I even found who he was since he left a pretty big trail... but more importantly I found out he was a minor.

Either way, although I had been shaken up at the time, and I did block and report and everything, I DID respond to him at one point to give the message that I was going to continue what I like drawing, and that he wasn't so big just because he was sending empty threats: so to e honest I'm not innocent in their either.

But I jumped the gun; and now it's reported, and I actually wish I hadn't reported it like I did; I should have let it be resolved on DeviantArt. But now what do I do?
Apparently I can't cancel the report: and now I feel bad because, what if it ruins the life of his family who is probably innocent in this!
He's a minor: so if anything it'll be his parents who get punished, which would be pretty unfair I think...

But maybe I'm just tried from all the stress and not sleeping and that is why I actually feel guilty. What do you think?

More Info: When I found the user's FaceBook I left a message to his father explaining the incident because I wanted to give fair warning. Should I have left it alone? I feel really dumb right now!

- Antst - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

I don't understand why you regret reporting him.

He made violent threats towards you. When you blocked him, he made another account and continued. DeviantArt clearly can't deal with people who do this, so the logical next step was to contact the police and (since he is a minor) the guy's parents.

Someone needs to deal with this guy. When people are allowed to get away with making threats, some people become too intimidated to stay online. And there is no way of knowing whether someone really is a threat. The police need to be involved.

I doubt that the guy's parents will get into trouble. The police are so bad at dealing with cyber crime that I would be surprised if anyone even contacted the parents. At any rate, I don't know why you'd think it would be unfair if the guy's parents were contacted by the police. They are clearly doing something wrong if their kid spends his time online threatening people. They need to know what is going on.

You did the right thing. Let's hope the police will care enough to get involved and set this guy straight before he gets himself into even more trouble.