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How come nobody uses facebook anymore? - Printable Version

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How come nobody uses facebook anymore? - britnay - 03-24-2014 10:24 AM

everybody uses twitter instagram or vine. wat happened to facebook? its dead like myspace now lol

- shauna - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

That's funny, but in my opinion these services change way too fast! I refuse to "tweet" or use twitter. Everyone I know still uses Facebook mostly for the same reason. The reason it seems nobody does is because you tend to find so many lost or current contacts you can't possibly keep up with everyone! There are so many fun games. I noticed one night I hadn't heard from many friends or family members and I saw they had all been online, just playing games. LOL If it weren't for Facebook I wouldn't have the ability to contact most of my family. That's how we find each other.

- thevoiceofrock - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

WRONG no one uses instagram NOBODY cool or that matters has EVER twittered ...Its cool if youre 11

- Binary Boy - 03-24-2014 10:44 AM

Facebook is dying, most things have their time and die, there is no exception for Facebook.

Actually, I have a Twitter account. I hate Facebook. I don't use Twitter to keep up with people, I just joined to show how much I hate Facebook, but I do enjoy using it too. I thought, what the hell? We'll probably die one day anyway, so what the hell?

I am fed up with this "I use Facebook to keep up with people I don't see" crap. That is what a telephone is for, that is what a mobile phone is for, that is what pen and paper is for, that is what e-mail is for, it's not what Facebook is for. Facebook is just a money grabbing fad that people seem to value dearly because they have less than a 2kg brain.

A lot of people have left for a variety of reasons, including:

1. They think it's boring or dull.
2. They feel like they have no life because their so called "friends" post almost everything about their lives.
3. They begin to realize that it is just a fad and they don't really need it to keep in touch with people.
4. They are annoyed with the constant changes being applied, such as the forced timeline.
5. They don't want to put their information at risk.

In my opinion, Facebook is malware.