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How do you delete a Facebook page and refrain Facebook from giving anyone any information as to who created it? - Printable Version

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How do you delete a Facebook page and refrain Facebook from giving anyone any information as to who created it? - Stoney - 03-24-2014 10:24 AM

Me and my friend created a Facebook page that was a tribute to our maths teacher who retired about a month ago. My friend was the original creator of the page and he also made me a Manager on the page. About 20 minutes ago the page received a message from my maths teachers Facebook account saying something like "I have contacted Facebook and they are looking in to who created this page and I would like it took down immediately. - Mr.*****" if he finds out our names he may tell the school and get us in trouble. I removed myself from the page and my friend then attempted to delete the page, it told him the page is scheduled to delete in 14 days although when I or any other friend tries to go on to the page it isn't there so I'm not sure if it's deleted yet. But my main question stands, does anyone know how to prevent Facebook from giving my math teacher our names, thank you.

In case any of you are thinking who cares it's just a little trouble, this teacher is literally borderline insane and once suspended me and the same friend for throwing a polo mint back and fourth whilst he was in the staff base that he's in more than he is in the class, thanks.

- Catherine - 03-24-2014 10:25 AM

First off all, if the guy is insane and you knew this, why would even make a facebook page about him?! Like he wasn't going to find out?

Secondly, if the page says it's being deleted, then yes it is being deleted, but you have to wait the 14day period to allow facebook to erase all the information, comments, likes, followers, I.P address, etc. so really even if you have deleted the page, facebook are the ones who delete it and therefore can gather any/all information they need to find the creator while they delete it, not to mention Facebook already knows you created, because you created VIA facebook, whether you delete it or not, if Facebook want to find you, they can.
Deleting the account might just save you a little bit and now you want to pray there wasn't anything on the site that was incriminating, offensive, classed as a hate crime, bullying or such.