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How do I contact Facebook without the stupid FAQ? - Printable Version

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How do I contact Facebook without the stupid FAQ? - Black Panther - 03-24-2014 10:25 AM

I wanna tell the owners my true opinion on their website,
also I wanna report problems that aren't listed in the FAQ page,
every time I search for "Contact Facebook" all I keep getting is these stupid FAQ links that aren't helpful at all.

1) Links on the profile,
it is stupid,
what ever happened to OUR choices?
I hate tags on profiles.

2) If someone blocks you you cannot block them so technically if you are getting abuse and the abuser wishes to continue the harassment all they have to do is unblock you, send you another annoying message then block you again and the show goes on forever.

3) Friend stalking.
You always get that one annoying friend in your friend list that spies through your entire list of friends so they can add your siblings to their list and flirt away,
seriously that bugs the hell out of me and some times they will add just my general friends so they can talk trash about me to others.

4) Stalking.
People can see your wall posts even if you have your profile set to private or don't have the person in your friend,
they can just use a 'decoy' and then monitor your behaviour which is sickly creepy so why don't these jerks have their IPs banned after abusing the TOS of Fb?
If that were my site and someone already abused the TOS several times in the most abusive way I'd banned them from the site forever so they can never return again.

5) So many applications.
What the hell is with all bloody applications?
What's so amazing about FarmVille?
And no I won't donate a stupid brick or screw so you can build a crappy cyber farm!

6) Annoying adverts.
All these stupid advertisements with "Be Naughty" constantly appearing on my page whenever I am trying to do some thing.

7) Cannot report abusive content.
You can only report the basic abuse (messages, photos, profile and videos ect) but you cannot report some one writing about you in a status, you cannot report a comment on a wall, you cannot report some one copyrighting or stealing, you can't report MODERN abuse.

8) Poor picture quality.
Is it just me or does everyone else notice the crappy pixel structure?

9) Tagging.
There's no way to escape people tagging you on their posts,
they could write some thing really awful to make you look bad then tag you on it.

So my question mainly is
"How do I contact Facebook properly to tell them about my unsatisfaction?"

- tallapple567 - 03-24-2014 10:32 AM

Have you tried the Help Center?!/help/
They don't publish an email address because they don't want email and the support costs involved. They would have to start charging for Facebook just to have a manned help desk to answer questions from FB users asking inane questions (ie; I can't think of a good status for myself. Can you suggest something?) like they do here.

There really is no other way. Facebook is a FREE web site. The owners run it anyway they choose. If you are not happy, stop paying your monthly bill and go to another social site. Or start your own.

- K. - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM!/help/?topic=suggestions

Go to the link above. Then click the subject that you wish to email them about specifically, and click the link. Or, scroll down to the bottom and click "other feedback" ... that's where you can send general feedback and suggestions.