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Dear Huggers&Kissers: Do you think your actions (PDA) on Y!As would impact negatively on your married life...? - Printable Version

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- Earthshine - 03-24-2014 10:27 AM

Yes.The activity is an indication of a very unhappy married life.

- P - 03-24-2014 10:32 AM


(unless caught ;-)


- victoriouspollution956 - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

Is this for real?
I haven't seen anyone kissing on Yahoo....
As for hugging... if people see hugging as a problem... their marriages may have problems already!

I don't believe most people on Yahoo are having affairs or such...
It's sad it's come down to this...
As for the reference, I'll have to look that up... but believe it's not going to be for the majority...

And I have to ask... how many here would hide their accounts from loved ones? Maybe that in itself tells something...


Seems to me this couple had a lot more problems than just twitter... and lack of communication was one of them... among other things....

If you don't have a clue about the individuals, you really shouldn't assume to answer for each of them. I have to laugh at how some try to put others down on this site...

Edit again... if people have husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends... etc... they might want to be more up front about it and make sure others know nothing is going on. Not all couples and relationships are going to be the same either.

- Shih Tzu - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

What??? People in Indian are vastly different from here in the U.S. They have a strange slant on most things. Maybe they don't get enough hugs and kisses.

- Naguru - 03-24-2014 10:44 AM

It all depends on the philosophic outlook. You should know how to philosophize everything in life. Then only you will be able to intuit a correct way out of this problem. Otherwise, it will go on bother your mind continuously. It may lead to sleeplessness or restlessness.

Don't get caught in such quagmire and don't be mislead with your own doubts, confusions, suspicions or fear about their affair.

- Friendlybrush933 - 03-24-2014 10:47 AM

Well.. For goodness sakes.. If you can't give a friend a (((Hug))) on Yahoo, there is something wrong. Don't get me wrong.. I certainly do NOT condone anyone that is married cheating on their spouses. But a simple innocent and friendly gesture, I would have thought, would only serve to show we care for our friends. I have nothing to hide from my wonderful man. I would never do anything to hurt him. He is my world. My soul mate. Need I say more.
Thinking about some of my contacts.. I have no idea if some of them are male or female.. It is irrelevant to me.. i send them (((Hugs))) because they are lovely people. Never really thought about what gender they are. They are just.. my friends.

- forget me not - 03-24-2014 10:54 AM

Not at all. How you can think so?

Thank you.

- Auroral - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

It comes down to “Skin Hunger”.

Those who ARE married & show virtual PDA suffer from “Skin Hunger’.
Those who are single adults & constantly show virtual PDA suffer from “Skin Hunger’.
It all boils down to the same issue: Craving to be touched. They are missing the physical touch from humans in their life and trying to fill the void. Nothing positive comes of it.
This is not a cultural issue. It is a Universal Cyberspace issue.

- agreeableshape263 - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

In the case of sunanda and shashi it was more than PDA , I dont think mehr's mails or bbm's or twitter negatively impacted their married life ( it might have led to verbal fights, but people don't commit suicide just because of some flirtatious emails ) it was more than that, shashi was meeting the pakistani journalist, media reports said he met her twice, that's what official reports say, we don't know how many times they met unofficially , tharoor has reputation of being a womanizer, this was his 3rd marriage, and who knows how close he was to this pakistani journalist .

I know how Indian girls mind works, so if I am in a serious relationship with a girl or married , I wouldn't publicly display my affection, it would me misconstrued as me getting close to another girl , my girlfriend has made my life hell in past for such display of affection , so no hugs or kisses to another girl - except my girlfriend - for me ,

- Michael - 03-24-2014 11:08 AM

ABSOLUTELY NOT, infact it keeps a marriage much more comfortable. Mike