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Help I need serious answers?! Am I being catfished and why won't she Skype me? - Printable Version

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Help I need serious answers?! Am I being catfished and why won't she Skype me? - Maya Spadezz - 03-24-2014 10:25 AM

Okay this will be long. I'm a 16 year old girl and I met an online friend thats a girl too and she was 19 at the time and I was 15. This all happened in middle/late 2012 so it's been almost 2 years. I met her on a game site called Meez. We clicked then gave our numbers. We would usually call each other almost every night & sometimes pull all nighters on school nights joking around on the phone. Back in march 2013 I accused her of being fake because she wouldn't Skype me. She said that I'm "wilding for no reason" because since I've talked to her on the phone she must be real. She claims that she is a real person. I live in MN & she lives in Chicago. I do have relatives that live there so trying to meet her in real life shouldn't be a problem. It's only 6-8 hours away & Ik this cause I usually drive there. I've only received 10 photos of her over the 2 years. I didn't demand her to send them either. I inserted them on google images & didn't find any fake pictures showing up. She said she has no social media. During the summer I asked her to Skype again but she said her laptop broke. On christmas i asked her "you know what present you would give me that would be life changing"? She said what could that be & I said "A Skype call do I know it's real". I tried to do it during that night around 11/midnight but she didn't reply after I told her I was ready. These past few months she rarely replies or call me anymore. But I understand because shes in college & works like 10 hour shifts on weekends it seems like. She did tell me what university she goes to. I searched her name and university on google but I didn't find her on any deans list or extracurricular activities the school might have. I've tried using white pages to reverse her phone number. I know this sounds like I'm BEYOND stalking her but I'm just really trying to see if she's real or not. I'm not meeting a person from online if they won't Skype just one time. Should I contact her school register like Nev did to that one guy on catfish to see of she goes there? Or is that way too stalkerish? Sad. We've connected on emotional terms before because i old her 3 months I liked her more than a friend. She used to call me baby & tell me that she loves and cares for me. But I'm still pissed that she won't only video chat just one TIME after saying those things. So I guess I've been lead on without her realizing it. Sorry that this is so long. Can someone please tell me why she's hesitant to skipping me and if she's possibly not who she says she is? To me I feel like she's an actual real person but at the same time I can't be 100% if I've never seen her motions on webcam. 😰
Please and thank you.

- Babs1 - 03-24-2014 10:32 AM

Catfish Hunter.

- Sam - 03-24-2014 10:38 AM

It's weird that she won't video chat you and that her computer "breaks" right as you say you want to chat. If you both have iPhones you could FaceTime. I wouldn't trust that she looks like who she says she looks like. You doing this research on her is good cause you're looking out for yourself. I would do the same but I wouldn't go as far to do what Nev did. You can always go to visit your family and meet her in a public place. You'll never know if she's who she says she is unless you video chat her or meet her in person.

- alpha female - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

no dice. sounds fake to me. i'd drop it and move on.