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What is a REASONABLE punishment for this or is it even punishable? - Printable Version

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What is a REASONABLE punishment for this or is it even punishable? - An Unknown Kevin - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

I posted a thing on Facebook about a weapon in a video game called Battlefield 4 and said it was useful in the game, and I made a joke out of it because my friends hate the weapon in the game. I said: "This is your worst enemy but I find it useful." And then I tagged my friends. Now here is where it gets bad: My uncle saw it and contacted my dad saying I was threatening people with it. (No threat was made and my friends understood the joke and one even commented about it.) And then my uncle called the police. The police called and I told them about the post and that it was a video game and I meant no harm by it. They then saw no harm and said that no further action was going to be taken. My dad said I was grounded for a year. (no Xbox, phone, or social activities with friends) I think a week or two would be reasonable, but a year??? I have all A's and I try to be a good kid and yet my dad always points out my flaws. Is this reasonable or what should the punishment be? Honest opinions please

Link to the picture I posted:

- GenGen - 03-24-2014 10:26 AM

You uncle is a douche. Your dad will probably let you off the hook early. Keep calm and don't go insane.

- Carrie - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

Yeah, your uncle sounds like he crossed a line majorly there. If your family was really that concerned that you may kill people, I would hope they wouldn't punish you, but sit you down and have a serious conversation/put you in therapy. You didn't mean harm by it so a talk should have done the job and also maybe taking the video games or something. I dunno. Bad call on your dads part.

- Ally - 03-24-2014 10:43 AM

I wouldn't get mad

- Chirp - 03-24-2014 10:45 AM

Wait a week of no complaining and ask your dad if you can delete your Facebook for a year instead of the grounding. Tell him that your uncle completely misunderstood the post and since you put something on FB that was misunderstood, you would like to delete your account. Ask him if he thinks that is fair and acceptable.

- morgan hill - 03-24-2014 10:49 AM

No offense, but your uncle sounds like a mean old fart. A year is pretty steep. I mean, in a normal family, even if my uncle didn't understand a reference to a new-fangled video game (haha) he would know me well enough to know I wasn't threatening friends with a deadly weapon. And if I was threatening anyone it would be joking or for a VERY good reason. You haven't threatened to kill anyone before have you? lol. So either your uncle has reason to believe you are a serial killer in the making, or he is a jerk. Calling the cops was a jerk thing to do. Did he even try to get your side of the story? I would do like the other posters said and calm down first. I mean, your dad is probably just upset that it escalated like it did. I would also explain the reference to him, and maybe even ask your friends who understood the joke to speak to him or your uncle. As for a punishment, no I wouldn't punish my kids for this. I would just tell them to be a little more mindful of what they post online. People can take things the wrong way, especially when it comes to weapons and things like that. I'm sorry this happened to you though. What a crappy situation.

- MADLUV - 03-24-2014 10:52 AM

sounds like a huge mis-understanding.
and it does sound reasonable since your on here i can clearlyl see that your dad don't hold up on his word.
let it go~!