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Why can't I make friends like normal people? - Printable Version

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Why can't I make friends like normal people? - Pierre - 03-24-2014 10:27 AM

So it's been a semester of Sophomore year of High School, and I still have made no new friends, even though I have constantly tried to talk to people and be social. I have Asperger's Syndrome, so that causes me to have social skills deficits. I have a very minor case of it fortunately, but it's just bad enough to cause me to have immense difficulty making friends, and it's so frustrating! I had 4 close friends in Jr. High, and ever since the transition to High School I've lost contact with all but one, whom I hardly ever see anymore. I've worked my ass off to establish new friendships for myself, but it's just not working. I have a few acquaintances, but that's it. And to make it worse, I have two exes at my school that are doing very well socially, and it's just painful to watch. That in culmination with the days of roaming the hallways alone during lunch and the ignored texts and facebook messages are really starting to get to me, and I don't know how much more I can take.

Let's analyze the situation and possible reasons for my lack of social success. Do I have bad hygiene? On the contrary. Do I go on tangents about my obscure obsessions? Nope. Do I act clingy? At times. Do I often say rude things without realizing it? Negative. Am I annoying? I don't think so. Am I ugly? I'm no Brad Pitt, but I don't think I'm terribly bad-looking. Besides, I've seen plenty of people who look completely hideous and still have their fair share of friends. Do I look mentally retarded? If I didn't tell you I had AS you'd have never guessed it. I'm constantly racking my brain for reasons for my inability to make new friends this semester, and I just don't understand why. What do you think could be the reason for no one wanting to hang out with me?

- Im A Pony! - 03-24-2014 10:37 AM

mmm, couldn't tell ya about your looks since i don't know what you look like and im not a fan of posting pics online.

it could be that you're trying to hard. you can't force a friendship. i'm not really one for making friend either. but when i do make them 'they' always come to me. relax a bit. and be sure to find people who have similar interests like you do.

- Blue Planet - 03-24-2014 10:45 AM

at your age friends r very hard 2 come by, dont worry so much about making any, sit & look around..there r TONS of ppl like u, all alone wishing 4 company, u just feel alone..U need 2 join some school activites,clubs or sports, the school newspaper, volenteer,tutor, help with homework, theres tons of ways 2 meet ppl..some may not know how 2 act aound u

- Warren - 03-24-2014 10:53 AM

Friends are overrated, you think it's cool to have friends because you see really close friends on shows like Friends and The Big Bang Theory, but it's all fake and stupid. People will be nice to you for a while but will forget about you and only ask you for things they want, the world is full of idiots and the majority of people aren't worth it.

- Trinity - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

I personally think you are an introvert, which is very Ok to be one. Mathematicians, Chemists and Scientists most likely make up for the group. It is not you failing to make new friends, friends happen once you start doing some things you love. Do what you love, take your self there with no intention of making any friend. If somebody starts a conversation respond easily and go on with what took you there, you will eventually start making friends and friends. Even the worst people have friends, just because they do what they have to do. So take action on what you like most and attract people who will not only be friends but will add value to your life. I think I tried to help a bit.