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how do i attract people to my facebook fan page????? please help!!? - Printable Version

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how do i attract people to my facebook fan page????? please help!!? - Stavie - 03-24-2014 10:28 AM

i run a facebook fan page for an energy drink, it looks alright so far but no one seems to 'like' it how do i attract people to it?? im going to advertise it on facebook and that's another thing i dont know how to do!
Please someone help me! i love this job but i don't know how to make it the best fan page there iss!!
please help me! Big GrinBig Grin

- Peterc - 03-24-2014 10:30 AM

You obviously have poor taste in energy drinks. All the advertising in the world won't change that.

- Ryan - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

You can send invites to your friends, and ask anyone who joins to send some invites as well.
You probably also advertise it randomly or on places that talk about energy drinks, etc.

The only problem is that they would probably need a reason to want to join it, or the drink must be very well known (like coke).

- Helen - 03-24-2014 10:38 AM

put up a link to the site

- nuwav - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

Their are loads of ways of getting fans to your page

1/ You can submit your page to a Facebook page directory called

2/ Include your Facebook page url in your web social profiles e.g. Youtube, Twitter, Linkedin etc. and also include in your email signature

3/ Also try and use facebook badge or “like” button everywhere your brand/business is present on the web: website, Blog posts etc.

4/ Facebook offers many ways to populate your page with engaging contents: Music, Photos, News feeds, Videos, Twitter and many other apps. -

5/ You can buy fans from -

6/ You could also invite your friends or your social profile contacts e.g to the page.