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My Girlfriend shows interest in other guys on Instagram/Vine.? - Printable Version

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My Girlfriend shows interest in other guys on Instagram/Vine.? - connorgrnt - 03-24-2014 10:28 AM

So my GF and I have been going out for just over 4 months now.We are both 16. She says she loves me and how she thinks im so hot but honestly I think its all bs. Over our relationship I see on Vine she revines a bunch of "hot "shirtless guys doing whatever showcasing their looks and body. I got over this Like I understand im being insecure but why does she do all this, it honestly pisses me off. Then finally one of the guys she revines, and likes on Vine, i saw she followed on Instagram (he is kinda famous 100k followers) , and comments on his shirtless photo " i cant like whut (with a tounge emoji) and tags her friend". Before, I knew she was definitely looking but i didn't think she would do that. Honestly idk im kinda upset, all her compliments to me seem like bullshit at this point. Its one thing to follow and like his photos but dont comment how much you ******* want his dick. What do I do cause I never do any of this stuff to other girls pictures.

- justice - 03-24-2014 10:35 AM

Get rid of her. She shouldn't be flirting with other guys.

- Erik Farrar - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

Leave her

- Emma - 03-24-2014 10:47 AM

pal its okay if a girl looks at guys and thinks they are hot, cause then shes fantasizing but if shes talking to them and flirting with them, shes a bitch, leave her man.

- Democritus - 03-24-2014 10:50 AM

Girls subconsciously do things to test you. She knows you're following her on those sites. Don't let it phase you. Maybe even comment on some girl's picture. And if she brings it up say, "You do it, so I thought it was ok." It doesn't sound like these are guys she knows anyway. She does that to pseudo-famous people. I have to disagree with the people who say to break up with her. If these were guys you know personally, then that would be a different story. Perhaps they did not read the details of your question. It sounds like she has a libido though. I would try to exploit that to your advantage.