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Does anyone an idea how I can pose a question about social norms and the media for a research paper? - Printable Version

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Does anyone an idea how I can pose a question about social norms and the media for a research paper? - Lustful&Envious - 03-24-2014 10:28 AM

I'm currently taking a mass media and society class and one of the requirements is a research paper. In this research paper, we are intructed to pick a topic, pose a question on that topic and discover the answers found. Being that it is a media course, the question has to involve any type of media that us out as a news source today, He gave us a list of topics and going through them I saw song lyrics and social norms. I liked the social norms idea because I am a sociology major. The question I came up with he said was the right track but not enough. Can anyone help me pose a question that I can research the answers to involving any kind of media and social norms? My original question was how does media today affect social norms.

Thanks in advance.

- Misty Blue - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

How does media today affect social norms and should they be regulated more and held more responsible for the consequences?