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Should those of us on Social Security give some of it back to the government? - Printable Version

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Should those of us on Social Security give some of it back to the government? - Tom - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

So Social Security will last longer?

- katbyrd41 - 03-24-2014 10:37 AM

Social Security recipients are already paying taxes on their Social Security, up to 85% of it, depending on their circumstances. That's giving it back. You paid into the system; you get yours out of it. If SS collapses before I can receive it, I'm sure as heck not going to blame the recipients who came (and collected) before me. Enjoy it!

- Island Fever - 03-24-2014 10:40 AM

No. Absolutely not. If you have money to give away, check with your church, synagogue or mosque to find people in need. If you do not belong to a religious organization, ask your friends if they know someone in real need. The reason I would not give it back to the government is that I already give through my taxes. I also donate to charity by funding government programs that give to the needy. What I do is to give where I see a legitimate need. Perhaps you know someone who is able to live independently, but never has extras. If you look at the price of produce in the grocery store, you will see that fresh fruit and vegetables can be extras to some people. Buy a few extra things to give to those in need. When you give them as a gift, just say you bought way too much without realizing it and you don't want it to spoil. Someone might need a pair of gloves, say they were given to you but you don't care for them. Someone might need an electric bill paid, you can pay it anonymously. Give to those who need it and where you know your money will make a meaningful difference.

- gaillee01 - 03-24-2014 10:48 AM

Absolutely not! I do not get SS, but all who are collecting put into that system and it is not their fault the politicians and leaders chose to spend this fund. Ask the politicians to do as you suggest and give up their retirement too! They sure as heck do not need it!

- ♥Dee W. - 03-24-2014 10:52 AM

I already repaid my state of California from my first SSI/DI check. They took the backpay & left me with enough for a hotel room & a bus ticket. I'm not complaining about the unfairness of the situation, but NOW my state has issued an "Estate Recovery Program" & when I die, all of my worldy possessions must revert back to the state to repay them for any medical bills I have incurred while collecting my disability benefits from the SSA. This applies to those over the age of 55 & under, with certain circumstances.

What's next? Will my state start taking a % of my children's income to pay for my bills? Will the SSA follow suit & try to take the estates of everyone to get their pot of gold filled up again? This entire country has lost it's collective minds, in my honest opinion! I thought I would get my SSA in a few years (@62) & now I find out it is moved up to age 67. This means I must spend another 5 years living in poverty until my social security retirement kicks in @ it's lowest rate for all eternity.

They can kiss my "you know what"...I'm not "giving" them anything. I paid into the system & I think I'm entitled to collect on my share of the pie. I've paid enough taxes to get me to age 350, when I had my own business. I'm not paying any more & no one else should either.

- Spirit - 03-24-2014 10:54 AM

no. senior citizens paid into it all their working days. they deserve to collect their fair share. what happens to the money that is not collected due to early death of an individual? i mean we the people are in a bind when we give the government all the power. senior citizens are indeed taxed and those who saved are getting less then they deserved. those who saved in ira's were taken for a good ride by our government. the nest egg dwindled as the stocks went way down and some could not recover. have a heart. senior citizens deserve better. why, when they gave their whole life to society and their families are they supposed to suffer in their golden years? i believe the youth should start saving some way some how just in case it goes away. also, if senior citizens got even less they would really become a big burden on society.

- george - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

I hesitate to think of the answers you will get from those of us who live in Britain after the revelation that our last Government had been fleecing the Nation with their fictitious expenses, Three of them were so blatant they have been charged and are to appear in court

- ***You Go Girl*** - 03-24-2014 11:06 AM

No, that is our money that we paid into and it belongs to us..It's not the government money,they were suppose to put that money into savings and let it draw interest all these years.. No!! that my money and I want it now!! you're hitting on a sore spot..=)

- Ms. Minerva - 03-24-2014 11:11 AM

Most of my friends who have accumulated enough wealth through their lifetimes to retire comfortably without drawing Social Security funds never sign up for it or draw it. They figure they don't need it....and there are so many others who need it desperately.

I had not planned to draw any Social Security because my husband and I had worked like dogs and saved carefully so that we would have no money worries in our "old age". Enron, the banking system failure, and the collapse of the real estate market has just about wiped out retirement income for not only me, but millions of other Seniors....and we are now reliant on those funds.

It is a sad coincidence that, at a time most of us need to augment our incomes with part-time jobs or even full time jobs, the economy is in a state of there just not being those jobs available any more.

But, yes, I do see more and more seniors who already have comfortable retirement funds either never draw, or stop drawing social security benefits.

I read someplace that if all those who have income over $200,000 a year would stop drawing Social Security benefits, it would mean an increase in something like $10,000 a year for those who are having to live on Social Security through no fault of their own.

Those who smugly state that anyone ought to get off unemployment and go get a unable to do the simple arithmetic needed to see that 30 million unemployed Americans cannot go and get a job when there are only something like 150,000 jobs available.

Those who smugly state that they "planned" for retirement.....ought to just be danged glad that their investments did not get wiped out as so many others have had happen. Pension funds have disappeared, mutual funds have gone bust, the real estate market has tanked, banks have failed, some stocks are worthless now.

- / - 03-24-2014 11:18 AM

No. Giving money back to government only means that they will spend it on some foolish pork project. If I could be guaranteed that any reduction in my SS income would remain in the SS system then I would seriously consider it.