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How to Get Your Facebook Page Noticed? - Printable Version

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How to Get Your Facebook Page Noticed? - Jacob - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

I made a facebook page today and i was wondering how to get it noticed heres a link if you want to check it out its an anime and gaming page. im not asking for anyone to like it i just want advice.
it shows someone talked about my page but it doesnt say who. is there a way to check?

- melissa - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

If you know anyone that's "Facebook Famous " ask them for a share do that to a couple of.people but talk to them first

- Remilia Scarlet - 03-24-2014 10:43 AM

The first thing i reccomend is commenting on posts by pages relating to yours and eventually people will come slowly then at a faster rate then nuetral then spike....anyways the key is communicating with other pages.oh and dont ask for shares at first....(all admins i knew hated that XD )
If you want to get to know many pages, just look at this one (you dont have to like since its dead -_-) and see the pages this one has liked which should be around 200 pages relating to anime...i think...and remember, dont like...itll just be throwing salt at my face since i lost every like i ever had becuz i abondoned the page....