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how to make my conversation with a ex more interesting.? - Printable Version

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how to make my conversation with a ex more interesting.? - Luke - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

okay im 20 years on and i have an ex girlfriend i am now talking to again we dated for about a year when i was 17 we were both in love something happen in the relationship and i ended it she apologized a million times but i was a jerk about. any way we have been talking for about 3 weeks now. (we talked every now and than in the past) ii feel like all im doing is asking her questions, ive always had trouble talking to girls i would have to be really comfortable around them unless i wasn't trying to impress them. how do i make the conversations with this girl my umm exciting, interesting,

its hard to put what i mean into words so try make the best of it. thank you Smile
timothy why is it never a good idea for ? if you can back that up than fair enough but alot of people will say the same thing because they hear it before or it hasnt worked for them before but there are 7 billion people in the world you dont thin its worked for a few million people before ? im not trying to argue its just the way the relationship is with me and my ex we were best friends for about 3 years and we have continued being friends for 5 years. i guess its pretty hard to simplify 5 years.

- Timothy Stephens - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

Not a good idea to have an ex back in your life.You need to stop all this and work on your problems.Communication and social skills and lack of confidence.Get them improved.If you dont then life will be hard for you.
Asking how to make conversation is really disturbing.God gave you a brain so use it !! what are your fears ? see a hypnotist and have some sessions to improve all this.

- Badassgal - 03-24-2014 10:44 AM

firstly u need to consider whether u are interested in her being your gf again cause their are 2 ways to make an exciting convo with the intention of being in a relationship or just friends, also I'm not sure whether this is over text, Fb or meeting up with her, but just adjust my advice to suit ur situation

Eg: , if u want a relationship u may want to consider flirting. U could do this by commenting how her ' hair looks pretty in her profile picture' ( if your on Facebook), also u could bring up an old joke eg; ' remember that time we..' This will set a good mood and bring her feelings back she had in the relationship so she might fall for you again, but make sure it's a good memory you don't want to bring back bad ones! And if you start talking about your past relationship, say sorry for how immaturely u acted.

If u justwant to be friends, just talk about something she is interested in so she will be more interested in the convo, and she will put more effort in. Good luck.