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I just need advice on something.? - Printable Version

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I just need advice on something.? - billyt3d - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

So quite recently, I've asked a lot of questions.

But I have another - I'm going to try and make this as short as possible.

In the past 4-5 months I have started to get back into writing all these paragraphs and other means of help for people who need it on websites such as

I got asked the other day to help someone, she is anorexic and have severe depression. (Name is being kept for anonymity) Anyway, in the past 3 days, we have basically talked non stop, she has managed to eat something and keep it down, and she is doing fine. She's cut once but has stopped herself on different occasions due to thinking of my help.

I received something on (anonymous) and I'm not sure if it was off her, but it was basically saying thank you for everything. She said I should really consider becoming a counselor. I have been told this before, and I'm really not sure. If you're thinking things like "you might not help people" - I have stopped 7 people from committing suicide, and I'm 15. I admin a Facebook page to stop bullying and it has just under 700 likes (seems like a low number but considering each one of those is against bullying, it's quite good)

But basically, I'm not saying I am considering it, because it will be hard, but I was wondering what I would need to do to take upon this opportunity. (Grades needed/courses that may need to be taken in college/how long training takes.) - If anyone knows a counselor or is one themselves, any advice?

Thank you for your time, if you have read here... and remember, if you ever need a talk or any help with bullying or depression or anything of that sort then don't hesitate to message me.


- Person - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

Psychology is a big one. Here's for more info:

- Jason Leo - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

I would also look into volunteering for the Samaritans as soon as your old enough. I assume it would be a great reference for any work you go onto do. keep up the good work. well done