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What do you think will work to get my facebook account back? - Printable Version

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What do you think will work to get my facebook account back? - Keysle - 03-24-2014 10:30 AM

Facebook suggested friends... I added them
Facebook suggested groups... I added them
Now all the sudden I'm banned because of adding things for the purpose of advertisement.
When in reality I was doing it for networking (as my account said) And it's only arguable that Facebook's system was assisting me doing that networking by sending me so many suggestions

The SINGLE and ONLY reason I need that account back is because it is /Keysle Which is my name. I don't care if I have to lose all my friends or start from scratch, I just need my name back. It kinda helps when all ur social networking names are the same for youtube, twitter, myspace, ustream and so on.

All in all i belonged to 200 groups and I had 1550 friends. A lot, but nothing serious.

I ended up getting banned by some report some guy sent in claiming I was spamming him. I simply added him because I was interested in his suspicious looking profile picture (a snake swallowing obama's sun rise symbol)

I rarely add friends facebook doesn't suggest, and if I do it's out of interest.

I just hope now facebook loses popularity so that my loss won't be as bad.

(I Sure as heck got a lot of responses and activity from Facebook. The disabling event was a major cut off from all that.)

To a degree I understand, but if you tell people to not have 1500 friends, yet suggest 1450 to them, then don't punish without warning.
Facebook did not send me an email regarding my account suspension.

- Jim - 03-24-2014 10:37 AM

Sorry you got reported but it seems people use these sites in different ways.
Some will only accept requests from people they actually know in person, which to me very much limits the possibilities of enjoying a social networking site. Maybe this guy is some sort of paranoid freak who would report any stranger who requested him.
It makes you wonder why some people sign up for a social networking site at all.
Assuming Facebook sent you an e-mail telling you that your account is suspended, try replying to the e-mail.