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Feeling very insecure. No social life + no more attention on social media? - Printable Version

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Feeling very insecure. No social life + no more attention on social media? - Mary - 03-24-2014 10:31 AM

Back in high school I used to get 70+ on a picture of me or whatever else I would post. Now everyone moved away for college but I had to stay home because I couldn't afford moving out. I lost contact with a lot of people and I guess they all forgot about me or just simply don't care enough anymore. So now I get like 30 likes tops.

I feel so sad about it. I know it's lame but I like the pictures I post and of course everyone who has an instagram has one just to get some attention here and there. I'm losing so much attention and no one ever texts/calls me anymore. I don't want to delete it because then I really wouldn't talk or keep in touch with anyone. I guess I kinda want the approval of others through how many likes I get.

I have tried to go out and make friends in college but most people want to get drunk and smoke and I'm not into partying. Plus my boyfriend of two and a half years and I broke up and I haven't been making much progress since.

How can I stop feeling so insecure about the likes and lack of social life?

- Patrick - 03-24-2014 10:40 AM

Maybe you should work on making real fiends who you see and talk to on a regular basis and not be concerned with how many "likes" you get on facebook.

- jz14 - 03-24-2014 10:50 AM

You shouldn't let a few likes on an Internet site determine your worth. You are looking for the approval of others, like you said, and that's bs. I hate social media sites, it's so pretentious like its users. I say f everyone. Cheer up, everything will be okay. Uncle Bob all the way from Texas.