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How to make him like me again!? PLEASE answer I'm DESPERATE!? - Printable Version

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How to make him like me again!? PLEASE answer I'm DESPERATE!? - LennySanchez - 03-24-2014 10:31 AM

Ok so now I have a big problem. ever since my friends found out I like this boy they keep on bugging him about asking me out and stuff. He really shy boy and I think I might of scared him away becuase my so called friends told him that I posted a pic of him in Instagram which is how everyone found out I like him. He got creeped out and now he thinks I'm psycho and weird HELP how do I make stop thinking that!? will he consider going out with me again?

- Ann - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

You are not pycho-you are embarrassed by his behavior

- Elene - 03-24-2014 10:37 AM

First tell your friends to stop doing whatever they did. I'm sure he'll consider going out with you. If you don't want to talk to him in person, write him a letter and send a message via internet and explain whatever happened. Mention that you like him but not in a creepy way and maybe he'll go out with you.

Good luck !

- jimmaresa - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

Hey Lenny!
See what can happen when we publish things that we can never take back?! Worse, you can never really explain the real truth behind your action.
Do you KNOW he thinks you are a psycho and weird or have others been telling you these awful things. If you are sincerely interested in him you can try to gently explain your intentions and how hurtful others are being to you by saying such things. Hope it is not too late.

- A.P. - 03-24-2014 10:44 AM

Tell your friends to cut out whatever it is they're doing. Delete the picture of him on Instagram. Shy people tend to be more understanding about this sort of stuff because they can relate. Give it some time and keep hope!