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Facebook Privacy-help? - curious George - 03-24-2014 10:32 AM

I updated to Facebooks new Timeline and apparently people I am NOT friends with can see what all Im posting and stuff. So how do I change my privacy settings to where only people I am friends with can see all my stuff? Ive tried looking around in privacy setting and account info but I cant find it. I might just be looking over it like a dummy but I need to know how so I will stop being creeped on! lol Thanks Smile

- Yuuuup - 03-24-2014 10:38 AM

On your homepage click on "Settings" on the upper right hand corner of the page. A drop down menu will open. Click privacy settings.

From the privacy settings screen, adjust the settings on your profile, search, news feed and applications. To change your personal information click "Profile." On this page there will be a series of drop down menus and settings controlling such things as who you want to see your profile or basic info. Choose what you want, such as anyone or only friends. To keep your profile really secure choose only friends for each. To get even more specific click the contact information tab. This section controls who can see your contact information.

To edit the Facebook search, click "Search" on the many privacy settings page. Here you can edit who can search you and how they can search you. Click public search if you want your Facebook account to appear in a search engine. You can also edit what a person can see when they search you. Change these settings to your desire.

To control what you see on the news feed click, the news feed on the privacy settings main page. Click the box next to what you want to make published on your news feed. If you want people to see what you wrote on a friend's wall check that box. Choose what you want to be public or uncheck any box if you don't want that information displayed.

To edit your applications, click on applications in the privacy settings. The first page is an overview of applications and what is displayed on your profile when you add an application. To edit these just click the settings tab to control what is published when you add an application.

Read more: How to Edit Privacy Settings on Facebook |