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Iphone 5 v.s. Samsung Galaxy S III? - Printable Version

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Iphone 5 v.s. Samsung Galaxy S III? - laxer - 03-24-2014 10:32 AM

Please answer some questions i have about them.
1. What would you recommend?
2. Does andriod the same apps. like FIFA, instagram or games similar to temple run?
3. Do any of these have major issues?
4. MOST IMPORTAANTLY, i will not be able to get a phone for 2 years after. Which one will have durability and strength to last that long?

- Cone Of Shame - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

1. I would recommend iPhone5 because it's faster
2. Yes, everything runs on both of them
3. I personally don't like how non-customizable Apple products are..but both have no major issues
4. Slll is made out of plastic, so I'm guessing less durability

- Charlie - 03-24-2014 10:48 AM

1.duh the s3
2.yes and it has emulators unlike ishit
3.only the iPhone for being the worst creation ever
4.iphone if you drop it once even with a case it will break and you will have to repair it s3 has better durabullity

- Challenge Accepted - 03-24-2014 10:49 AM

1. The S3. I have a Galaxy Nexus which is very similar to it and I love it.

2. Yes, many of the Apps have been ported over from iSO, but not all of them. However Android has a much wider selection of Apps. It does have FIFA, made by EA for $5.00 and it does have the game Temple Run.

3. Not that I have heard of.

4. I would guess the iPhone, because of the way it is built. It is stronger, and will be less likely to break when dropped. Keep in mind both of the phones will last you two years either way.

Some other things to consider are the size and operating system. Neither is better than the other, but each person likes one more than the other.

Screen size: Would you rather have a screen that is bigger for videos, games, etc? Or would you rather have more one hand usability for when you are on the go?

Operating system: Android is a much more fun OS to use IMO. You can have widgets and customizable home screens, while on iSO you just have pages of apps. To get the most use out of Android you would have to watch top app videos to see what is out there, because there is some really really neat things you can do with an Android phone. With an iPhone you have very limited customization, and a rather boring OS IMO. The iPhone is faster at loading webpages and apps, but not so much faster that you shouldn't get the S3. The iPhone also has better screen quality, more pixel density, and higher saturation. Again, not game changing, but still notable.

In summary

-Better for on the go use
-Better screen quality

-More operating system freedom and capabilities
-Bigger Screen
-Better App selection

There are also many comparison videos on YouTube you can watch to help you decide.

Also, don't listen to idiots like Charlie. Complete S3 fanboy that doesn't know his facts.