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Privacy Right Claim....... (Amateur Facebook School...)? - Printable Version

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Privacy Right Claim....... (Amateur Facebook School...)? - general.lee0101 - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM


I want help.

Im a year 11, and in Maths on friday, i took a lot of pictures on my phone, and put them on facebook that evening. These photos included members of staff and people in the class.

this douche in my class complained to ''his mum'' and she went on to complain to senior management of the school. I was brought into a vice-principles office and told to take them down tonight (actually tonight) and i agreed to, but the bare munimum, so only the ones with teachers on.

What rights of mine could they be infringing at all? I was thinking something along the lines of ''Invasion Of Privacy" ?

Bearing in mind, they are a school... (Brooke Weston Academy)



P.S - Sensible answers only please, i dont wanna hear it otherwise

- Andrew - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

Is there school rule about unauthorized photography? Bet there is.
If there is, you have transgressed that rule and will be subject to disciplinary action.
If not, do you not think it's a little rude of you to take photos without permission and then publish them?
Your "rights" haven't been violated, instead you have violated other people's rights to be left alone, they are the ones who have been subject to ''Invasion Of Privacy" in your own words.

- thegubmint - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

Always remember that your rights end when they start to infringe on others' rights. You infringed on the rights of anyone you put on your page without their explicit permission, or the permission of the school for publishing photos taken on their premises. It sounds like they are actually handling this nicely, you could have been issued a legal cease and desist order.

- tobiny - 03-24-2014 10:51 AM

You night be infriging his right of privacy under Human Rights Act 1998. If the picture was taken in a public place like outside school, on the street or any other place that is public, you woulld be fine. The school might imply that taking of the picture as bullying, so in your best interest take it down.

- andy w - 03-24-2014 10:52 AM

No idea what country Brooke Weston Academy is in but I will assume it is the US as you use vice-principle.

Yes you can be forced to take them down if there are rules about photography in the school. i.e. you need permission to film or take photographs.

No-one would be infringing any of your rights - rather the opposite in that you are infringing others rights of privacy as you and they are on private property and they have an "expectation of privacy" whilst on private property or at their workplace.