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My dad texted a college coach, am I doomed? - Printable Version

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My dad texted a college coach, am I doomed? - Rachel - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

Earlier in November I slept over at my #1 school with a field hockey team that was looking to recruit me. I watch their game that they had while I was there and I felt it seems like a good fit for me. The coach said word for word to me, "Once you receive your decision I will give you an estimate! Look for an email from me." So her statement had me feeling very comfortable that I was going to be recruited.

I received my acceptance letter and she hasn't responded to me whatsoever. It seems like she is outright ignoring me. According to people on the "Accepted Students" page on Facebook, people are already committed to play there and I haven't even been contacted again.

My dad asked me for her number one day so I gave it to him... then he did the worst... He texted her like a paragraph and now I feel doomed. She never answered him either and now I am so paranoid that this is the end.

This is the only school I've applied to and it's looking like whether or not I get to play I am going there now because she never respond to me before I could apply other places.

Am I doomed? Does it look like I am not being recruited even though she was so interested before?

- double T - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

You are not doomed, your father was being a father. This is something that happens a lot actually.Generally speaking, they have either found someone else (better than you ) or they are waiting on other paperwork. They have to see your ACT/SAT scores and see what the budget will allow for your scholarship to cover. Or they could be ignoring you all because you all have signed and committed so there is no need to pamper you anymore. It is just like the dating scene, you flirt and impress and when you get that person everything is great then is cools down right, same process. My nephew just signed to play baseball at Hesston College in Kansas and he went through this, turns out the school was waiting in the NCAA to complete some paper work. The coach is practicing back ethical manners by ignoring you all. Either way you can still try to walk on at other places if this coach is that unethical with their manner. Athletes come and go from programs every day. Reach out to the other athletes that you mentioned and see what has taken place with them.

Sport and performance psychology master degree April '14