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I need advice about my boyfriend? - Printable Version

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I need advice about my boyfriend? - josee - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

I been with my boyfriend for 9 months but its a long distancd relationship for now but i just dont feel connected to him that much when we text and he feels the same but i love him so much his my everything and i dont wanna lose him.. Any advice on how we would reconnect and get that feeling back?

- JoJoeh - 03-24-2014 10:38 AM

With texting, you can only say so many words with so many letters before it all becomes routine. Maybe you could try using different social media methods. Try using a webcam service like Skype, so that the two of you can each other. With that, he can see your smile and remember why he is love with you and fall in love all over again. Seeing eachother on the computer screen is a great alternative since the two of you can't see eachother in person and it will definately be better than texting.
Perhaps you could call him instead of texting to hear his voice and for him to hear yours.
I don't mean to sound blunt, and I hope you don't mind me saying this, but most sexual relationships don't survive for long Maybe the two of you could rekindle the relationship with a little dirty talk over the phone or a private webcam "show". Again, its a good alternative due to your circumstances.
Hopefully this helps

- Matthew - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

That's the problem with long distance relationships and why they never two need to move together and see each other....have you met him in person.if not watch the tv show "cat fish "