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How to be popular on school? - Printable Version

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How to be popular on school? - Aunim - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

I have changed my school and moved to another school.I was popular on my past school because back there I was the best student of class.but now i moved to a new school and the atmosphere of this school is totally diffrent and i am tryning to get in attention but can' to be popular on school??

- AmandaNicole - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

well i mean you're new so people don't know you too well. let them get to know you! and dear popularity isn't everything. once you graduated people forget about all that shit anyway.

- Taylor - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

I've been to three different schools..honestly, just be yourself and students will come to you (that's what happened to me), if that doesn't work, go talk to some people..don't be shy Smile

- BeatTheBeat - 03-24-2014 10:41 AM

Sorry to say so, but popularity isn't worth anything long-term. Short-term, you have the whole school following you on a social media site and everybody wants to be your friend. Long-term, you can get into things you shouldn't trying to uphold your image, and your grades may drop because of it.

I'm just saying be YOU. I was never popular in elementary, middle, or high school. But that didn't stop me from finding my friends I have today. We still continue to connect with each other, which not many people get to do. If you just focus on school and your friends you make and truly trust, then you've got it set. I'm actually happy that I didn't follow the popular life when it was offered to me; it can change people in a moment.

All in all, be you. If people say otherwise, ignore them and remember this:

"Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures and that is character."

Good luck in your endeavors and be yourself. Smile