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Homeschool to highschool?? - Alivymatt - 03-24-2014 10:34 AM

Here is some info about me Smile Please, nothing judgmental I just want some help with my questions and I think if you know a bit more about me it could possibly help!!
K, so I have been schooled on an online school since 3rd grade because I have severe social anxiety disorder (I hate calling it that but that is the "technical" word, I guess.) that I started "developing" in 2nd grade. ANYWAYS, point is, I don't do good with people. I have been trying so hard to get over this issue of mine and I THINK it's getting better. Big Grin
So right now I'm in 7th grade and it's the second semester of the 7th grade year and I am comfortable on my computer schooling because I don't necessarily have to socialize with anyone. This is my first year in middle school online so I have only really been in elementary before and even that I can hardly even remember anymore.
So my mom has been worried about me lately because it's apparently not “healthy” for me to be so anti-social. Now don't get me wrong, I can see what she means by that but on the other hand I do still hang out with my cousin named Kelly on the weekends (we call each other sisters though because we are so close). So anyways, she gave me a choice. I would either go to high school once I finished middle school online OR I could just start going to “real” school when next year came around and get a one year head start on being “social”. I chose starting off with high school in two years.
So Kelly goes to the same high school that I would go to if/when I go to high school ( I was asking her about this scary place last night but she wouldn't give me any straight answers ). She is in 9th grade which is the first year of high school I believe, and she has a friend named Jake there who I have become friends with over facebook (I know it sounds weird, and he probably thinks I'm psycho too but he is really nice and hasn't told me he thinks I'm nuts....yet) and I'm not gonna go into detail about him because all I'm saying is that I have two friends. Jake and Kelly.
So now I just gave you guys a HUGE book full of stuff about me and now I need to ask some questions.
1. What is high school like?? And please put it into the perspective of a girl who is super shy and self conscious, very socially awkward, weird, (I have been working on fixing these things BTW) and doesn't easily make friends. And also keep in mind that I have been home schooled online for most of my life.
2. Is it as bad as they make it look like on the TV shows? Because on the movies and TV shows and books there's all this stuff about sex and drugs and alcohol and pressuring people into doing stuff....
3. Can I bring my own lunch and stuff? (I know it's a stupid question, but seriously.)
4. I just have so many questions it's ridiculous so I'm just gonna ask one more thing, on a scale of one to ten how scary is high school?
I am aware that this is unnecessarily long and choppy and quite silly but I am just so scared and nervous about this choice. Any additional info and advice about hell...I mean high school is welcome!!!!

Thanks in advance!!

- Bailey . - 03-24-2014 10:42 AM

I love high school . I started homeschooling this year but I went to high school for a year and a half. Now, high school is not scary at all, these kids are your age or a couple years older or younger. I have anxiety but i felt comfortable around friends so i was okay all day. You can bring your own lunch, and actually my high school we ate anywhere we wanted, like outside or inside. Sex is a big thing in high school and you will see that, but you have to stand tall and respect yourself and hopefully it wont come up, drugs are big as well, but same thing as sex, stand tall and say no. Other than that your fine and that's not even a big issue to tell you the truth. I would rate the scary part of high school a 8 in the first week then a 2 on the rest of the year. It way more freedom, and like i said, these kids are your age, they are no different from you.