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What are the most compelling arguments for becoming a conservative or a liberal? - Printable Version

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What are the most compelling arguments for becoming a conservative or a liberal? - diazrpasion - 03-24-2014 10:36 AM

- Françoise - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

+Conservative: Minorities you don't like get oppressed
+Liberal: Better healthcare, educations, incomes, environment and everything else (But with the caveat that you have to actually cooperate with society and not get to do everything you want)

- largegirl999 - 03-24-2014 10:44 AM

look around the world... where would you want to live... pick out the top five nations you would want to move to...

odds are... all five have at least moderate social programs, most have universal health care and most are quite liberal...

if conservative ideas are so great, where do their ideas work and why don't you want to move there?

EDIT: what conservative nation existed forever? do tell? I don't think I've heard of that nation?

EDIT: also, if you're really into just baseless rhetoric about vague generalities of freedom and no real facts or ideas to back them up... that's a conservative thing... if that's a compelling argument for you

EDIT: "since the beginning of civilization" yet you can't name any?

here, I'll name some liberal ones... modern Germany, modern Japan, modern Sweden, modern Canada, modern Israel, modern UK, modern France, modern Belgium, modern Finland, even the U.S. to a large degree with our social programs...

OK, now your turn...

it's hard for me to debate you when you have zero facts to back up your claims... all your have are gross over generalizations, like liberals like "communism" when no major liberal groups push any system like communism in the U.S. today..

EDIT: lol... Egypt... Iran? liberal? lol... Ok, it's clear you don't even know what liberal means... you're a fool or a troll, either way, this is over as you don't even understand the basic terms being used and you children can run along and play


I am VERY WELL AWARE that you want to wallow in your ignorance and substandard ideas and you don't care if the rest of the world passes you by and leaves you in some third world nation status...

meanwhile, we drag red states kicking and screaming into first world nation status...

EDIT: lol... OK, if you're going to call Sweden conservative... I guess I'm a conservative by your standards then? my basic ideas are VERY similar to sweden's basic gov..

why do you keep calling me a liberal then when these are the ideas I push?

how can I keep up when you say two different things?

the truth is... I keep up... and you change your story every time I ask you details about it?

like now UK and sweden are conservative... MAGIC! I guess universal health care is a conservative idea too?

you still didn't name one nation? or is sweden your nation too?

well, if so, then I guess we're all "conservatives then"... yay!

do you realize that NO OTHER CONSERVATIVES actually believe anything you just said? lol

EDIT: I said sweden before...and you said the nations I mentioned were conservative?

are you drunk? you seem to be about two steps behind here... you're talking about things I said and then seem to forget you said them?

and again, you still mention no conservative nation by name? which ones have lasted longer? this is like the third time I've asked for actual names and two times you just go off on a rant and ignore it...

EDIT: you just listed the nations randomly in your sources, you didn't say how you were using them... I assumed you meant they were liberal as they have not lasted very long with any one government... but now you seem to think they are conservative and proof of a long lasting gov.?

I guess 30 years in Iraq is forever?

can you please just focus on try to make one basic defense?

- thankfulunderwear257 - 03-24-2014 10:48 AM

When you are a conservative you have to work for the world you want.

When you are a liberal, someone else does the work you take credit for.

conservative nations may not be perfect but they have existed forever. Liberals had the soviet union which collapsed within DECADES.


edit: since the beginning of civilization. Good job disputing my fact about liberal nations.

Modern? HAHAHA! I was talking about countries that still exist and have stayed conservative. Those "modern" countries have a conservative foundation. Please try to keep up.

No, children are people who share the same political views of adolescents.

edit: who said Sweden? You must be yelling at Fox News again on your mom's TV.

MY POINT: Conservative nations may not be perfect but they have lasted the longest.

- Sean - 03-24-2014 10:51 AM

Conservative if you're interested in liberty and independence.
Liberal if you want to leave everything up the the State to figure out for you.
There are some segment of people that can't handle the hardships of freedom and naturally gravitate to serfdom.

- Carcer - 03-24-2014 10:57 AM

Liberal = I 'll take away anything about freedom that I can.
Conservative=Remembers what is moral.

- Question Rater - 03-24-2014 11:06 AM

To have an objective of being on a side of politics that can potentially win, while not minding that your side winning or losing probably does not make any significant difference in your life. But at least you can win.

- redbird - 03-24-2014 11:07 AM

Liberals want free stuff off the backs of hard working people and conservatives want Good paying Jobs and less Gov't

Edit, the night of the zombie, What makes you think we want to be like other Countries, No one is stopping you from moving out of the US,

- Space - 03-24-2014 11:17 AM

I would say don't limit yourself to just 'liberal' or 'conservative'.

Actually don't limit yourself with any labels if you can help it.

- Keith - 03-24-2014 11:18 AM

Only liars want to be conservative.