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whats the disadvatge of ethical principles: protection from harm? - Printable Version

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whats the disadvatge of ethical principles: protection from harm? - ok - 03-24-2014 10:39 AM

This is about the role of research.
For positive I wrote

"The strength of this ethical principle is that researchers have a set of rules to follow while approaching individuals or researching , also the person being questioned will feel comfortable with answering the question knowing they're identify will be save and wont affect they're private life.

Could any one tell me the disadvantage?

If you can can you explain the advantage and disadvantages for

Ethical issue :role of media
Implications of research: Reliability
Legislation:Human rights

In research.

Thank youuu

- Indiana Frenchman - 03-24-2014 10:49 AM

the web page (below) provides: RESPECT for research ethics: principles and dilemmas

extracts from that web page present:
The general principle

It is the responsibility of both the commissioner of research and the researchers who conduct the work, jointly, to develop a set of research aims and objectives which benefit society and minimise social harm. This means that any benefits derived from the research should outweigh any harm caused.

Dilemmas that may need to be addressed

How should it be assessed whether the need for the research outweighs any potential harm it might cause? Who should be responsible for making the assessment — researcher, commissioner or some independent agency? How can the interests of the range of different stakeholders be balanced? How can the interests of other stakeholders groups, who may not be directly involved in the research project, be protected?

Who decides what constitutes harm and benefits? How can the different understanding of what these are for different groups be reconciled?

Is conducting research purely for the pursuit of knowledge ethically justifiable?

Is it, in principle, ethically sound to randomly assign human subjects to comparative groups for the purpose of ‘controlled’ experiments?

and ...

Researchers should endeavour to ensure that the research team has the necessary professional expertise and support

The general principle

The research team must have the appropriate professional expertise (see RESPECT report on professional competencies) to work on a particular project and be given the necessary training to fill any gaps in skills and ensure that these skills are up to date. Members of a research team should be treated in relation to the contribution they make to a project, rather than on the basis of seniority and experience.

Researchers may experience physical and/or emotional distress or harm during the course of a project. They need to be briefed on the potential for this, and the means of ameliorating any harm need to be in place.

Dilemmas that may need to be addressed

Identifying the potential for a research project to cause harm or distress is not always straightforward. What may distress one researcher may have no impact on another.

To fully engage in, and understand, social processes, some element of harm or danger may be inevitable. It is important to balance the potential for harm against the need for the research, and to put in place mechanisms for dealing with the harm or distress caused.

At times it may be necessary to take professional risks and challenge established norms, possibly putting a researcher in a risky position professionally.

see web page for many more scenarios