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did my ex block me on facebook? - Printable Version

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did my ex block me on facebook? - platinum_standard - 03-24-2014 10:40 AM

so like, i tried searching for her but her profile didnt come up. i looked through all the results for her name but i still couldnt find her. then once when my friend was on his facebook, i told him to search for her and he found her profile easily. so i copied the url for her profile, logged out of my friends facebook, logged into mine and then pasted her url, and it said that the link was broken or something like that. did she block me? or is it some kind of error on facebooks part?

- Jackelyn Alice - 03-24-2014 10:46 AM

Yeah, she doesn't want you to look at her dude. You've been blocked

- Matt - 03-24-2014 10:50 AM

Maybe you should move on

- Jennifer - 03-24-2014 10:55 AM

Kinda sounds like it. But the real question is why would she block you?? Did you end on bad terms? Maybe she is in a new relationship and the dude has a problem with her having an ex as friend. Play it cool,there's a reason she's your ex