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Parents how do you feel about educators putting pics of your kids on social media? - Printable Version

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Parents how do you feel about educators putting pics of your kids on social media? - Im thinking...Im thinking - 03-24-2014 10:43 AM

I work at a preschool and I make it a point to NEVER post pics of the kids on social meida. But I have been noticing student aides posting pics of the kids on sites like facebook. I feel the kids deserve privacy and its disrespectful to the parents.
I have a niece and I know I would not like a student aide posting pics of her without permission on their personal facebook!

Parents your thoughts. Thank you

- desmeran - 03-24-2014 10:51 AM

i would expect that if the preschool director knew about that, they'd be forced to apologize and take the pictures down, and if it ever happened again, they'd be fired.

most schools require signed parental permission to use images of the children even on school-related websites and materials. it is totally inappropriate to post them without a parent's explicit permission on any personal website.

- Kelly - 03-24-2014 10:56 AM

As long as the parent gives their consent there should be no problem. But if its a group image and one parent doesn't give consent, then you can't post it. All parents must give consent. And if it's my kid, I'd give consent cuz seriously, what is someone going to do with a smiling picture of a 2 year old?

- Exit 117 - 03-24-2014 11:04 AM

It wouldn't happen , in our district they need parental consent.

- Pestydaughter837 - 03-24-2014 11:08 AM

I don't even post funny comments/stories about the children I work with and teach. It would never even occur to me to put photos up on the internet. The only exception I could think of is after receiving parents permission posting a few pictures to the preschool's Facebook page to show what activities the children do.

- Bobbi - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

First of all, in our state this is illegal . The director needs to be notified ASAP and the photos removed. Parents at our center sign consent to be photographed forms. We can take photos for class use, not to be shared with ANY media without getting a second consent form signed. All staff and student teachers are told of this policy. Student teachers violating this policy are referred to their professor. There are many safety concern along with violating client confidentiality when pix are posted unknowingly to the Internet social media sites.

Former child care teacher

And to Kelly who asked what is the big deal? Again - this is akin to your OB/GYN putting your pix on his Facebook page. Same deal - people are entitled to privacy. There ARE some things you do not and cannot share with the world.
A big issue here is the possibility of kidnapping. Some estranged parents have no idea that the child is in that center. An estranged family member could get into the center, playground, or field trip and try to take their child (has happened). This puts staff and children at risk. Also, you have the perverts that stalk child care centers and schools to see kiddies. Again, posting client pix on a public site is very dangerous.